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《Arduino技术及应用》课件—第10章 Inputoutput高级应用 物联网应用开发 第十章I/O口高级应用 目录 1 10.1调声函数 ❖调声函数tone()主要使用在Arduino连接蜂鸣器或扬声器发生的场合,其实质是输出一个频率可调的方波,以此驱动蜂鸣器或扬声器振动发声。1.tone()功能:在一个引脚上产生一个特定频率的方波(50%...
So far you've learned to control LEDs with code, which is one use of Arduino'soutputs. This lesson builds on outputs by addinginputs. Your Arduino board can be programmed to listen to electrical signals and take actions based on those inputs. We'll put together a digital input circuit w...
Arduino: controlling digital output and reading digital input. If Arduino were some sort of human language, those would be two letters of its alphabet. Considering that there are just five letters in this alphabet, you can see how much more work we have to do before we can write Arduino ...
The INPUT_PULLUP option is a Teensy extension which is not present on the official Arduino. Active Low vs Active High Intuitively, most people think of a logic HIGH signal to mean "on" or "active" and a logic LOW signal to mean "off" or "inactive". This scheme is called "Active Hig...
我们首先来看有箭头的那一条路径(B->E):这条路最简单,完全不用考虑C端发生了什么,而是几乎可以看成一个B->E的二极管。B电压大于E一定程度(即B到E有足够大的电势差,一般是0.3V之类),就会有电流,反之则没有。我们的电路中,B接的是Arduino引脚。因此,当Arduino HIGH时,BE有5V电位差,但是有一个限流电阻,因此...