#include<Arduino.h>intled=LED_BUILTIN;//在RPI Pico中 LED_BUILTIN=25intbtn=1;voidsetup(){// put your setup code here, to run once:pinMode(led,OUTPUT);pinMode(btn,INPUT_PULLUP);//配置为上拉输入}voidloop(){digitalWrite(led,digitalRead(btn));} 因为BTN引脚为上拉输入,按键没有按下时读...
Input/Output(you are here) Skills Infusion & Going Further So far you've learned to control LEDs with code, which is one use of Arduino'soutputs. This lesson builds on outputs by addinginputs. Your Arduino board can be programmed to listen to electrical signals and take actions based on ...
1、输出(OUTPUT)模式 2、输入(INPUT)模式 3、输入上拉(INPUT_PULLUP)模式 (仅支持Arduino 1.0.1以后版本) 在输入上拉(INPUT_PULLUP)模式中,Arduino将开启引脚的内部上拉电阻,实现上拉输入功能。一旦将引脚设置为输入(INPUT)模式,Arduino内部上拉电阻将被禁用。 设置Arduino引脚为输出(OUTPUT)模式 当引脚设置为输...
#include<Servo.h>intmotor1_1 =10;//直流电机接口(IN1)intmotor1_2 =11;//直流电机接口(IN2)voidsetup(){ pinMode(motor1_1 ,OUTPUT);// PIN 10pinMode(motor1_2,OUTPUT);// PIN 11}voidrun(inttime){// 前进digitalWrite(motor1_1 ,HIGH);// 右电机前进digitalWrite(motor1_2,LOW);//digit...
INPUT :作为数字输入 OUTPUT :作为数字输出 INPUT_PULLUP:作为数字输入,且使能引脚的内部上拉电阻 Arduino的引脚,在上电时默认就是输入模式,但最好使用pinMode设置,更加明确。 当配置引脚为数字输入模式时,引脚表现为高阻抗状态,引脚内部的电流非常小,就如同在引脚前接了一个100M欧姆的电阻一样。这也意味外部转换...
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // 将倾斜开关引脚初始化为输入模式: pinMode(sigPin, INPUT); Serial.begin(9600); // 初始化串口通信,波特率为9600 } void loop() {// 读取倾斜开关值的状态: sigState = digitalRead(sigPin); Serial.println(sigState); // 在串口监视器中打印倾斜开关的状态 ...
This example code is in the public domain */ void setup() { //start serial connection Serial.begin(9600); //configure pin2 as an input and enable the internal pull-up resistor pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(13, OUTPUT); }
int ledPin = 9; //LED 接数字引脚 9int buttonPin = 2; //按键接中断 0,即数字引脚 2void setup() {pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);pinMode(buttonPin,INPUT_PULLUP); //按键设为输入模式,内部上拉attachInterrupt(0, testProgram, FALLING); //下降沿触发中断 0,调用 testProgram 函数}void loop(){ ...
pinMode(enablePin, OUTPUT); pinMode(pushval,INPUT); delay(10); digitalWrite(enablePin, HIGH); // (always high as Master Writes data to Slave) } void loop() { int potval = analogRead(pushval); Serial.println(potval); //Serial Write POTval to RS-485 Bus ...