= self.proc:#a second call to exec has been made before the first one#finished, ignore it instead of intermingling the output.ifproc:proc.kill()return#add startis_decode_ok =True;try:str= data.decode(self.encoding) except:is_decode_ok=Falseifis_decode_ok==False:try:str= data.decode(...
while recevied_size < int(cmd_res_size.decode()): #当接收的数据大小 小于 客户端发来的数据 cmd_res = client.recv(1024) recevied_size += len(cmd_res) #每次收到的服务端的数据有可能小于1024,所以必须用len判断 recevied_data += cmd_res else: print(recevied_data.decode("utf-8","ignore")...
The goal I am scraping html pages to extract clean text from them so I can put them into millisearch for searching purpose Best attempt After using this configuration in code const options = { ignoreHref: true, // ignore <a> tags and the...
response = subprocess.check_output(["hmy","keys","location"], env=ENVIRONMENT).decode().strip()exceptsubprocess.CalledProcessErroraserr: log(f"Failed: Could not get keystore path.\n"f"\tGot exit code{err.returncode}. Msg:{err.output}")returnFalseifnotos.path.exists(response): log(f"...
the dtrace outputs format may be latin-1, and gprof2dot will fail to parse it. # To solve this problem, you should use iconv to convert to UTF-8 explicitly. # TODO: add an encoding flag to tell gprof2dot how to decode the profile file. iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 out.user...
frame = frame.decode('utf-8')debug('\n'+'*'*30+"Frame {}:".format(i) +'*'*30+"\n{}".format(self.colors.yellow(frame)), level=3)# Ignore useless framesifself.verbose <4:ifframe.strip() =="Traceback (most recent call last):":continue# Done with this frame, capture it.re...
compressed = new sun.misc.BASE64Decoder().decodeBuffer(compressedStr); in=new ByteArrayInputStream(compressed); ginzip=new GZIPInputStream(in); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int offset = -1; while ((offset = ginzip.read(buffer)) != -1) { ...
Decode QuotedPrintable using C# Decryption Error “The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a non-base 64 characte” Decryption error: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed. Default Access Specifier in C# for Classes and Interfaces Default value of bool in Methods Default valu...
how to create/open/save a file as UTF-8 encoding in c++ using ofstream How to decode a ASN.1 in C# How to delete the existing file in the first opening of fopen ? How to deserialize json string in c++ without using any third party library How to detect creation of a new process?
When the DAC registers are being written to, the DAC7568, DAC8168, and DAC8568 receive all 32 bits of data, ignore DB31 to DB28, and decode the second set of four bits (DB27 to DB24) in order to determine the DAC operating/control mode (see ). Bits DB23 to DB20 are used to ...