Focused Inbox Focused Inbox helps you focus on the emails that matter most. It separates your inbox into two tabs—Focused and Other. If messages aren't sorted the way you like, you can move them and set where to deliver future messages from that sender. Select the Focu...
Can't all messages be moved to "Other"? Can Other be moved to Focused Inbox? Is it possible to direct Outlook to the Other folder normally on the browser? Can you provide the specific content of the notice or a screenshot? Please note that your personal privacy information is covered. ...
Focused Inbox helps you focus on the emails that matter most. It separates your inbox into two tabs—FocusedandOther. If messages aren't sorted the way you like, you can move them and set where to deliver future messages from that sender. Select theFocusedorOthertab. Right-click the messag...
可能的值是 Focused 和Other,这表明用户是否认为该消息分别更重要和更不重要。 要纠正和训练信息分类系统,请在消息级别使用 PATCH 操作在 InferenceClassification 属性上。重点收件箱 REST API 还允许你创建覆盖。 每个覆盖,都由一个表示 InferenceClassificationOverride 实例表示,是分类系统的指令,总是以一致的方...
Outlook具有一个独特的功能,称为 Focused Inbox 内置了先进的机器学习技术。 重点收件箱分析您的Outlook以了解您的优先级,并根据您的兴趣自定义Outlook收件箱。Outlook具有一个独特的功能,称为 Focused Inbox 内置了先进的机器学习技术。 重点收件箱分析您的Outlook以了解您的优先级,并根据您的兴趣自...
可能的值是 Focused 和Other,这表明用户是否认为该消息分别更重要和更不重要。 要纠正和训练信息分类系统,请在消息级别使用 PATCH 操作在 InferenceClassification 属性上。 重点收件箱 REST API 还允许你创建覆盖。 每个覆盖,都由一个表示 InferenceClassificationOverride 实例表示,是分类系统的指令,总是以一致的方式(...
键FocusedInboxOffByDefault 数据类型布尔值 可能的值false(默认值) true 需要配置文件否 可用性16.95 Comments仅适用于新的 Outlook。 禁用在帐户之间复制或移动电子邮件 防止用户在帐户之间复制或移动电子邮件。 展开表 类别详细信息 ...
You can either direct it to ‘Focused Inbox’ or ‘Other’ or switch between tabs any time. If you would like to configure these settings. For instance, change how your messages get organized then, from your Inbox, select the Focused or Other tab, and right-click the message you want ...
By using the Focused Inbox in Outlook on Mac, you can tend to the emails that matter most to you first before you tackle any non-important emails in the Other Inbox. In addition, you can help Outlook understand what emails are important or not by moving them to Focused or Other. ...
used to be THE email client to go to. now with the spastic function of <Focused> and <Other>, many emails has been miss. simplicity works better it this case as nobody knows me better than myself in clearing emails. understand that the application developers were trying to act smart. ...