重点收件箱将收件箱分为两个选项卡-“重点”和“其他”。 最重要的电子邮件位于“重点”选项卡上,而其余电子邮件仍可轻松访问(但无法访问)位于“其他”选项卡上。 为了创建适合你的收件箱,系统会将电子邮件和与你交流的联系人考虑在内,并筛选出杂乱的源,如自动生成的电子邮件或批量电子邮件。 你使用此功能越...
Turn Focused Inbox on or off in Outlook for Mac Open Outlook for Mac. On the View tab, depending on if you want to turn in on or off, select Turn on Focused Inbox or Turn off Focused Inbox. When it's on, the Focused and Other tabs will appear at the top of your i...
Focused Inbox Focused Inbox helps you focus on the emails that matter most. It separates your inbox into two tabs—FocusedandOther. If messages aren't sorted the way you like, you can move them and set where to deliver future messages from that sender. Select theFocusedorOthertab. Right-cl...
Turn On or Off Focused Inbox in Outlook Open your Outlook and navigate the mouse cursor to ‘View’ tab of the ribbon interface. Next, find and choose ‘Show Focused Inbox’ option. The Focused and Other tabs should be visible to you in the ribbon interface of Outlook. In case, there’...
If you’re in your Focused Inbox and see a message you want to move to Other, select the message and either right-click the email or selectMessagefrom the menu bar. ChooseMove to Otherto send the email to Other one time. Alternatively, pickAlways Move to Otherto have all future emails...
键FocusedInboxOffByDefault 数据类型布尔值 可能的值false(默认值) true 需要配置文件否 可用性16.95 Comments仅适用于新的 Outlook。 禁用在帐户之间复制或移动电子邮件 防止用户在帐户之间复制或移动电子邮件。 展开表 类别详细信息 Domaincom.microsoft.Outlook ...
Can't all messages be moved to "Other"? Can Other be moved to Focused Inbox? Is it possible to direct Outlook to the Other folder normally on the browser? Can you provide the specific content of the notice or a screenshot? Please note that your personal privacy information is covered. ...
Can I create new tab beside "Focused" and "Other" tab for the Inbox emails having different logics? With different rules I can segregate emails, but the emails need to either move or copied to diff... Nope, those are pre-built and cannot be modified. You can use "views" however:http...
When this is turned on, Microsoft automatically moves “lower value” mail to the Other tab, thus freeing the default-selected Focused tab from that clutter. The Focused tab essentially becomes the Inbox you look at each day. And while Microsoft initially guesses at which mail should be moved...
com.microsoft.outlook.Mail.FocusedInbox 此金鑰會指定是否啟用 焦點收件匣。 將值設定為 false 將會停用 焦點收件匣。 實值類型:布爾值 接受的值:true、false 如果未指定,則為預設值:true 必要:否 範例:false 受控裝置、受控應用程式 com.micros...