To close your account, you will have to sign in first. If you can't sign in, Contact Microsoft Support. If your account has been hacked and you want to recover it, see My account has been hacked. To learn more about what happens when you close your Microsoft account, see...
To close your account, you will have to sign in first. If you can't sign in,Contact Microsoft Support. If your account has been hacked and you want to recover it, seeMy account has been hacked. To learn more about what happens when you close your Microsoft account, seeHow...
登录、、 或 帐户。下载免费的桌面和移动应用,在一个位置关联你的所有电子邮件帐户(包括 Gmail、Yahoo 和 iCloud)。
How can I change the location where selected account delivers new messages to? How can I create a shortcut to a public folder directly to the desktop? How can I disable the Slow and Disabled COM Add-ins to users in Office 365 Outlook? How can I exclude myself (the sender) in a Repl...
2. Why does my Favorites folder in Outlook keep changing? There are several reasons why your Favorites folder in Outlook might keep changing. For example, if your account is set to synchronize with an Exchange server, changes made on the server will be reflected in your Favorites folder. Anot...
In the Change Account dialog box, click More Settings. In the Microsoft Exchange dialog box, select the Security tab. On the Logon network security list, select Anonymous Authentication, and then click OK. Click Next, click Finish, and then click Close on the Account Settings dialog box. ...
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close Office.context.ui displayDialogAsync messageParent注意 * OfficeRuntime.auth is supported in all Outlook versions that support event-based activation and single sign-on (SSO), while Office.auth is only supported in certain Outlook builds. For more information, see Use single sign-on (SSO) ...
Outlook email account Disconnected About two days ago, one of my email accounts in Outlook stopped working. It's now saying "disconnected" in the lower info section. I can get the email on my phone and the web, but not in Outlook anymore. I've tried toggling the "Work offline" bu...
Sync your Outlook and Google calendars. Contribute to phw198/OutlookGoogleCalendarSync development by creating an account on GitHub.