To close your account, you will have to sign in first. If you can't sign in, Contact Microsoft Support. If your account has been hacked and you want to recover it, see My account has been hacked. To learn more about what happens when you close your Microsoft account, see...
Important:When you close your Microsoft account, your email and contacts are deleted from our servers and can't be recovered. If you use your Microsoft account with Xbox, Skype, OneDrive, or other Microsoft services, you'll no longer be able to access those services. You will also lose acc...
登录、、 或 帐户。下载免费的桌面和移动应用,在一个位置关联你的所有电子邮件帐户(包括 Gmail、Yahoo 和 iCloud)。
Step 1 - Close Outlook and delete the Identity registry key for the account. Close Outlook. Select Start and then choose Run. Type regedit in the Open box, and then choose OK. Select microsoftaccount_username@hotmail.com_SSPI located here: HKEY...
It's trying to connect to Microsoft Exchange. I have another account that is the main email I use. I tried to delete the one that's not working, but it said that I would have to delete the main email account. I don't want to do that. ...
Close Outlook and then run MFCMapi.exe. If the MFCMAPI startup screen appears, close it. Select Tools > Options to open the Options window. Select both of the following options to set MFCMAPI to online mode, and then select OK: Use the MDB_ONLINE fla...
Click on the ‘Save’ icon to save your changes then close the window. Changing your signature in Outlook 365 Log into your Outlook account and click on the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner. Select View all Outlook settings from the drop-down menu. Click on ‘Email’ in the lef...
对于与配置文件中的所有 Exchange 帐户相关的 Exchange 属性,请使用 Account 对象。下表显示为了支持多个 Exchange 帐户,在 Outlook 2010 中向 Account 对象添加的属性和方法。表6. Account 对象新增成员展开表 名称 类型 说明 AutoDiscoverConnectionMode 属性 返回一个 OlAutoDiscoverConnectionMode 常量,该常量指定承载...
In the Change Account dialog box, click More Settings. In the Microsoft Exchange dialog box, select the Security tab. On the Logon network security list, select Anonymous Authentication, and then click OK. Click Next, click Finish, and then click Close on the Account Settings dialog box. ...
with another account saved in Credential Manager "Your Digital ID name cannot be found by the underlying security system" “Cannot expand the folder. The attempt to log on to Microsoft Exchange has failed”. - Public Calendar Problem “This rule has a condition that the server cannot process....