DWORD:RoomFinderForceDisabled 值:1 = 隐藏会议室查找工具,0(或缺少 DWORD)= 显示会议室查找工具 安装所需的更新并将RoomFinderForceDisabled值设置为1后,Outlook 不会在会议窗体的“日程安排助理”或“约会”屏幕上显示“会议室查找工具”窗格。在“日程安排助理”和“约会”屏幕上完全禁用(隐藏)“会议室查找工具...
When you access an existing meeting on a shared calendar that you are a delegate for, Outlook doesn't respond if you select the Room Finder button. However, when you access existing meetings on your own calendar, Outlook responds as expected....
Can't delete calendar items Can't globally disable the birthday calendar Can't send a response to a meeting request Can't add an Internet calendar Configure rooms and workspaces for Room Finder Configure Teams meeting links to open in Teams desktop app Create and book a workspace in Outl...
Note:If you don’t see the Room Finder option, it’s possible you aren’t logged into an account with access to location information. Reach out to your IT administrator for assistance. TheRoom Finderlets you pick the building, type of room, capacity, floor,...
Through the Outlook Calendar we have for example 1 boardroom and few meeting rooms as shown below “Room Finder”. In Microsoft Bookings, there are some options that come up that I can choose from, I’ve tried both suggested locations shown as “Boardroom” and “Boardr...
Room Finder–We’ve delivered on this top request you have been asking for to assist you with meeting scheduling.Thisexperience is the same asinOutlook for Windows and on the web. \n Updates to the calendar gives you extra flexibility with a 3-day view and grouped s...
在[登錄編輯程式] 中,瀏覽至:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar 以滑鼠右鍵按一下 [Calendar] 並選取 [新增] </c0> [DWord (32 位元) 值]。 設定ShowLegacyRoomFinder的名稱然後按下Enter。 以滑鼠右鍵...
在注册表编辑器中,导航到:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar 右键单击“日历”,然后选择新建DWord(32 位)值。 将名称设置为ShowLegacyRoomFinder,然后按Enter键。 右键单击新项,选择修改,将值设置...
当您访问委派的共享日历上的现有会议时,如果选择“议室查找工具”按钮,Outlook 不会响应。 但是,当您访问自己日历上的现有会议时,Outlook 按预期响应。原因将其他 Exchange 帐户添加到 Outlook 配置文件后,会出现此问题。 若要验证其他账户,请执行以下步骤:...
After the release of the new WebView based Room Finder, some users are missing the Suggested Times feature and the mini calendar to see availability. STATUS: FIXED The Outlook Team has provided a registry key to enable reverting to ...