DWORD:RoomFinderForceDisabled 值:1 = 隐藏会议室查找工具,0(或缺少 DWORD)= 显示会议室查找工具 安装所需的更新并将RoomFinderForceDisabled值设置为1后,Outlook 不会在会议窗体的“日程安排助理”或“约会”屏幕上显示“会议室查找工具”窗格。 在“日程安排助理”和“约会”屏幕上完全禁用(隐藏)“会议室查找工具...
如果您在 Outlook 中使用 Microsoft 365 或 Microsoft Exchange 帳戶,您可以使用 [排程小幫手] 和 [會議室尋找工具] 來協助排程會議。 Microsoft 365Windows網頁版macOSAndroid 版 Office 附註: 從版本 2012 (組建 13530.20316) 開始,Microsoft 365 Outlook ...
如果您在 Outlook 中使用 Microsoft 365 或 Microsoft Exchange 帳戶,您可以使用 [排程小幫手] 和 [會議室尋找工具] 來協助排程會議。 附註:從版本 2012 (組建 13530.20316) 開始,Microsoft 365 Outlook 首次提供新的會議室尋找工具。 Room Finder 具有 WebView2 的相依...
Coming soon: to add more filters, the ‘tag’ property can also be set per room mailbox usingSet-Place cmdlet(-Tags property) orplaces API. The room finder will display the unique tag string value for each room (see the “Bean bags” tag in the above screen...
When you access an existing meeting on a shared calendar that you are a delegate for, Outlook doesn't respond if you select the Room Finder button. However, when you access existing meetings on your own calendar, Outlook responds as expected....
認證 Microsoft Office Specialist: Outlook (Office 2016) - Certifications 透過獲得 Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) 認證,證明您具備充分利用 Outlook 2016 所需的技能。
Subkey: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\x.0\Outlook\Preferences DWORD: RoomFinderShow Value: 0 (If you subsequently display the Room Finder, this value is changed to 1)Lưu ý In this subkey path, the x.0 placeholder represents your version of Office (16.0 = Office 2016 ...
After following all these steps I still don't have anything listed in the Room Finder for the City or Building (I populated both of these fields using the Set-Place commandlet.). This is a view of the room finder in the Outlook Web App: ...
Subkey: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\x.0\Outlook\Preferences DWORD: RoomFinderShow Value: 0 (If you subsequently display the Room Finder, this value is changed to 1)Catatan In this subkey path, the x.0 placeholder represents your version of Office (16.0 = Office 2016 and ...
在[登錄編輯程式] 中,瀏覽至:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar 以滑鼠右鍵按一下 [Calendar] 並選取 [新增] </c0> [DWord (32 位元) 值]。 設定ShowLegacyRoomFinder 的名稱然後按下 Enter。...