If you contacted Microsoft Support to save Outlook activities without turning on enhanced email, the activity is saved as a task record in Salesforce. If enhanced email is turned on, the activity is saved as an email message record. If you save an email to Salesforce CRM, and the number...
Included in CRM Price - No Extra Cost Discover More Email Marketing SalesOutlook provides for Email Templates that can be sent from an Email or Contact Record. Schedule a series of Emails, Tasks and Appointments with our Sales WorkFlow. Setup recurring Emails such as BirthDays, Holidays or Payme...
Windows SideShow is implemented as an Outlook add-in. The add-in enumerates calendar items on the user’s default calendar, and sends about a week’s worth of calendar data to the Windows SideShow platform. The add-in only reads calendar data; there is no integration into the Outlook user...
so I had a Microsoft account that was xxxxxx@hotmail.com, but I lost that password since I was very young and it has been almost 5 years since I have been able to access the account because you take privacy very seriously, and I, as the owner of this… ...
Anyone know the possible reasons why anyone who tries to contact me gets their emails bounced? So, recently, I integrated my Outlook account to a CRM...
Send an email from a shared mailbox Send an email from a shared mailbox (V2) The operation is expected to work for the Microsoft 365 shared mailbox feature only. Workaround for rooms returned over 100 Get rooms (V2) The number of rooms returned is limited to 100. As a workaround, qu...
Folder id table True string Select a contacts folder Id Id string The contact's unique identifier. Parent folder id ParentFolderId string The ID of the contact's parent folder Birthday Birthday date-time The contact's birthday File as FileAs string The name the contact is filed under ...
If your business uses the Microsoft Office 365 tools as a regular part of your business workflows, then you’re in luck, because today we’ll be examining the best cloud-based options of CRM for Outlook, so that you can dramatically speed up your sales workflow. serchen ...
SalesOutlook was the first company to use Outlook as a sales CRM business tool. Back in 1999 SalesOutlook committed itself to provide the best of class tools for Microsoft Office products as the foundation and strategy of a Complete Customer Relationship Management System. Microsoft Outlook CRM. ...
interval window When an event is added, updated or deleted (V3) When a flow is configured to trigger for events inside of a specific time interval, all events outside of the defined interval — create, update, or deleted — will trigger the flow as Action Type parameter with a Deleted ...