Discover the different ways to create or edit a signature if you're using, Outlook on the web, the Outlook desktop application for Windows/Mac, or the Outlook mobile app.
若要将内联 Base64 编码的图像添加到正在撰写的邮件或约会的正文,请使用Body API方法,例如prependAsync、setSignatureAsync或setAsync。 提示 在使用Office.context.mailbox.item.body.setAsync内联插入图像之前,必须先调用Office.context.mailbox.item.body.getAsync以获取邮件项目的当前正文。 否则,图像在插入后不会呈...
addFileAttachmentAsyncメソッドは、Outlook on Windows (クラシック) と Mac 用の要件セット 1.1で導入されました。 要件セット 1.8では、Outlook on the webおよび新しい Outlook on Windows でのaddFileAttachmentAsyncのサポートが導入されました。
After you are done creating your signature, select Save and close the editor window. Close the Signatures window. Add a signature to an email or calendar invite in Outlook for Mac Click in the body of your message. On the Ribbon, select Signature, and then choose...
After you are done creating your signature, select Save and close the editor window. Close the Signatures window. Add a signature to an email or calendar invite in Outlook for Mac Click in the body of your message. On the Ribbon, select Signature, and then choose ...
You can use a compose add-in to attach an instance of a recurring appointment in Outlook on the web, on mobile devices, or in new Outlook on Windows. However, in a supporting Outlook client on Windows or on Mac, attempting to attach an instance would result in attaching the recurr...
expression。 AddPicture( _Path_ )表达 一个代表 ContactItem 对象的变量。参数展开表 名称必需/可选数据类型说明 Path 必需 字符串 一个字符串,包含要添加到联系人项的图片的完整路径和文件名。备注如果联系人项目已附有图片,此方法将覆盖现有图片。
expression。 AddBusinessCardLogoPicture( _Path_ )表达 一个代表 ContactItem 对象的变量。参数展开表 名称必需/可选数据类型说明 Path 必需 String 指定要加载的图片文件的完整路径名称。备注一张电子名片只能有一个徽标图片,因此任何现有的徽标图片都将被替换。 支持标准图形格式,其中包括 .BMP, .GIF, .JPG ...
'Internet Calendar Subscriptions' reported error (0xE5072EEF) : 'Cannot verify or add the calendar to Outlook 'The Property does not exist. The field you want to modify is not valid for this type of item "A file error has occurred" when saving signature in Outlook 2013 "about:internet" ...
I'm using Outlook for Microsoft 365, running on a MacBook Pro. Outlook may look slightly different on your end depending on your device or if you're using the web app. How to organize emails in Outlook Whether you're going for inbox zero or inbox infinity—or you just want to stop...