Discover the different ways to create or edit a signature if you're using, Outlook on the web, the Outlook desktop application for Windows/Mac, or the Outlook mobile app.
If you are not using a screen reader, but still need instructions on how to create and add a signature in Outlook, see Create and insert a signature in Outlook for Mac. Notes: New Microsoft 365 features are released gradually to Microsoft 365 subscribers, so y...
以下JavaScript 示例是一个撰写加载项,用于将文件(picture.png)从 Web 服务器附加到正在撰写的邮件或约会。 回调函数采用asyncResult作为参数,检查结果状态,并在方法成功时获取附件 ID。 JavaScript // Add the specified file attachment to the item// being composed.// When the attachment finishes uploading, the...
Item.to属性 Item.cc属性 Recipients.addAsync方法 Recipients.getAsync方法 Recipients.setAsync方法每个属性或方法中指定的收件人的限制。 若要了解特定 Outlook 客户端的收件人限制,请参阅 属性或方法的 API 文档。 显示名称255 个字符EmailAddressDetails.displayName属性 ...
See "Add a logo or image to your signature" section in this article . As per the header, you may have to manually insert the picture in the front of the message body. Or you may create a message template with the image banner inserted, so that so can create email based on the ...
次のJavaScript の例は、Web サーバーから構成されているメッセージまたは予定にファイル (picture.png) を添付する新規作成アドインです。 コールバック関数は、パラメーターとしてasyncResultを受け取り、結果の状態を確認し、メソッドが成功した場合に添付ファイル ID を取得します...
Create and add an email signature in new Outlook for Windows On theViewtab, selectView Settings. SelectAccounts>Signatures. SelectNew signature, then give it a distinct name. In the editing box below the new name, type your signature, then format it with the font, color, and sty...
Outlook Web App You can add your email signature automatically to all outgoing messages, or you can choose to add your signature only to specific messages. If you use both Outlook Web App and Outlook, you need to create a signature in each. For information about...
Go to your mailbox and chooseNew email. Type your message, and then choose >Insert signatureat the bottom of the compose pane. When your email message is ready, chooseSend. See also Create and add a signature in new or classic Outlook for ...
Adding social media icons to Outlook is also a straightforward process. Here’s how to do it: Open Outlook and click on “New Email”. Click on the “Signature” dropdown menu located on the toolbar. Select “Signatures” from the dropdown menu. Click on “New” to create a new signa...