Inbred and outbred mouse strains exhibit differential seizure susceptibility. However, few comparisons exist of the ED50 or median behaviorally impairing dose (TD50) of prototype ASDs in these models in inbred C57Bl/6 vs outbred CFmice, both of which are often used for ASD discovery. Methods We...
We hypothesized that the mouse genetic background can influence the impact of high fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity on oocyte quality. We compared the inbred C57BL/6 (B6) and the outbred Swiss strains after feeding a HFD for 13w. HFD-mice had increased body weight gain, hypercholesterolemia, ...
Alexander HUNC Neuroscience CentreTuttleUNC Neuroscience CentreVivek MUNC Neuroscience CentrePhilipUNC Neuroscience CentreElissa JUNC Neuroscience CentreCheslerUNC Neuroscience CentreJeffrey SUNC Neuroscience CentreMogilUNC Neuroscience CentreNature Methods
Zhong S, Dobson C (1996) Heligmosomoides polygyrus: resistance in inbred, outbred, and selected mice. Exp Parasitol 82:122–131Zhong, S. & Dobson, C. (1996) Heligmosomoides polygyrus: resistance in inbred, outbred, and selected mice. Experimental Parasitology 82,122-131....
Most outbred mice exhibit hybrid vigor similar to or exceeding that of F1 hybrids. Compared to inbred mice, they have longer life span, higher disease resistance, higher reproductive performance, and lower neonatal mortality. Outbred mice are particularly suited as stud males or foster mothers in ...
However, few comparisons exist of the ED50 or median behaviorally impairing dose (TD50) of prototype ASDs in these models in inbred C57Bl/6 vs outbred CF-1 mice, both of which are often used for ASD discovery. Methods We defined the strain-related ED50s and TD50s of several ...
Interestingly, in outbred mice both CD4 and CD8 T cells responded equally while in inbred mice CD8 T cells were predominant. Outbred mice had peak responses later and more prolonged than inbred mice. Thus, inbred mice may not be an accurate model for testing immune responses in humans, ...
Performances of inbred and outbred laboratory mice in putative tests of aggression. Behav Genet 1987;17:87-96.Jones, S.E. and Brain, P.F., Performance of Inbred and Outbred Laboratory Mice in Putative Tests of Aggression, Behav. Genet. , 1987, vol. 17,no. 1, pp. 87-96....
Performances of inbred and outbred laboratory mice in putative tests of aggression. Behav Genet 1987;17:87-96.Jones, S.E. and Brain, P.F. (1987). Performan- ces of inbred and outbred laboratory mice in pu- tative tests of aggression. Behavior Genetics, 17, 87-96....
Author Correction: Comparing phenotypic variation between inbred and outbred mice.doi:10.1038/S41592-018-0298-2Alexander H. TuttleVivek M. PhilipElissa J. CheslerJeffrey S. MogilNature Publishing Group