答案解析: In-the-money put: strike > market; out-of-the-money put: market > strike.In-the-money call: market > strike; out of the money call: strike > market. 统计:共计46人答过,平均正确率67.39% 问题:进入高顿部落发帖帮助相似题型...
Convertible Arb Funds Turn To Out-Of-The-Money Puts.The article reports on the move of hedge funds to start hedging convertible bonds by purchasing cheap, deep out-of-the-money put options as a less risky alternative to shorting stock....
Out-of-the-Money Put:An out-of-the-money put option is one whose strike price is less than the underlying asset's current price, i.e., spot price. Its premium comprises time or extrinsic value with no intrinsic worth.Answer and Explanation: ...
put out money at interest 【经】 放利, 放债 juggle money out of sb 欺骗某人的钱 bail out money 紧急贷款 squeeze money out of sb. 【法】 向某人榨取钱财 lie out of one's money 没有得到应得的报酬,被拖欠,被克扣 相似单词 out of the money 脱价 money n. 1.[U]钱,薪水,收入...
同时买回之前卖空的 out-of-the-money Put。 在SPY波动的谷底,就反过来做。买回Call ,卖空 Put。 之所以做 out-of-the-money,是为了更保守,风险更低。 量要控制,这是关键,也是一般人犯错的地方。//@minzc:回复@fengger:如果不会有大规模的熊市,那么长期持有spy并且 sell covered call 是不是可以认为是一...
A put option is said to be out of the money if the current price of the underlying stock is above the strike price of the option. Example of an "Out of the Money CALL Option": If the price of YHOO stock is at $37.50, then all of the call options with strike prices at $38 and...
out of the money 美 英 na.赛马输掉 网络价外;较现值不利;价外期权 英汉 网络释义 na. 1. 赛马输掉 释义: 全部,赛马输掉,价外,较现值不利,价外期权
反着九四put option 2024-05-02 回复喜欢 Shooye out-of-the money 还是 out the money? 还是这两种说法都可以? 2022-05-16 回复喜欢 推荐阅读 (深度,重磅)吞噬一切的华尔街量化恶魔——复盘骑士资本以及LTCM(下) Doria...发表于Doria... 逆天的Dalio——对冲基金教父如何缜密理解经济机器 ...
As I wrote in mylast article, one way for existing investors to play this is to short out-of-the-money (OTM) put options in nearby expiry periods. I suggested selling short the $120 strike price put option that expires today on Aug. 23. At the time, MMM stock was at $125.60, so...
credit, including © notice, is given to the source. Can Standard Preferences Explain the Prices of out of the Money S&P 500 Put Opt... Option pricing with genetic algorithms: separating out-of-the-money from in-the-money Out-of-the-Money CEOs: Private Control Premium and Option Exercises...