这里的collar和put spread中,long put的头寸都是为了保护股价低于现价的一个风险,而short call和short put的主要目的就是为了降低期权费。如果在bear spread中使用更高行权价格的期权,那么费用会有大幅度的一个上升,同时这个投资者也并没有说希望在股价下跌时还能获得比现在的25.12更高的一个收益保证,所以对于long p...
Out of the money is also known as OTM, meaning an option has no intrinsic value, only extrinsic value. A call option is OTM if the underlying price is trading below the strike price of the call. A put option is OTM if the underlying's price is above the put's strike price. ...
美 英 n.不能使用的 网络无用 英汉 网络释义 n. 1. 不能使用的 释义: 全部,不能使用的,无用
By giving the money to their parents,the money can be put to better use Eddie,16 I think children should keep their own lucky money. Because it?s a good chance to help them develop good money management skills. In doing so,children need to learn how to save money and how to use it...
out of touch的意思、解释 out of touch 基本解释 out of touch的近义词 不联系,不接触; out of touch 网络解释 1. 不联系,不接触:out of the question 不可能的;不必谈的 | out of touch 不联系,不接触 | out of work 失业;(机器)有毛病 ...
2.To take off; discard:put off a sweater. 3.To repel or repulse, as from bad manners:His indifferent attitude has put us off. 4.To pass (money) or sell (merchandise) fraudulently. put on 1.To clothe oneself with; don:put on a coat; put socks on. ...
i punk le pellicce i pushed it though i put in the money an i put on a tie i put on my shoes i quali ministrano in i quarterly index i quickly opened to t i quickly washed i raised my head i ran out i ran to get where i i rate i read the book i read the newspaper i re...
Out of consideration:不考虑地:A taxi is out, because we haven't the money.我们没钱,所以别指望打出租车In the time following; afterward: 以后在后来的日子里;以后:搕o gauge economic conditions six months out?Christian Science Monitor)“算计六个月后的经济状况”(基督教科学箴言报) Baseball 【棒球...
Puts also can be used speculatively without a position in the underlying security. Instead of selling a stock short, an investor who anticipates a decline in the price of a stock can buy an at-the-money put. If the stock price rises, causing the put to expire worthless, the maximum ...
老师说run out是不及物动词,所以主语为物.那还有个词组叫run out of,主语为人,那the money runs out 这句话可否改成the money is run out of呢?另外spread这个词的主语也是物,可否加某个介词用于被动语态呢,如sth is spreaded 介词spread表传播时不及物,可否变成sth is spreaded +介词+by sb 扫码下载...