Out of the box thinking,通常被翻译为“创造性思维”或“非传统思考”,是一种至关重要的思维方式,它鼓励我们打破常规、超越框架,以新颖、独特且实用的方式解决问题。以下是对这一概念的详细阐述: 一、定义与核心特点 Out of the box thinking的核心在于追求新颖性和独特性,...
Chinese take out box 中式包装盒 相似单词 out of the box 盒外创造性的,独特性,思维不合常规;计算机术语里指从盒子里拿出来直接可以使用的,也就是开箱即用。 thinking n.[U] 1.思想,思考,思维 2.想法,见解 a.思想的,有理智的,有思考力的 box n.[C] 1.箱;盒;匣 2.一箱(或一盒、一匣)的容...
Think out of the box是一个非常常见的英语短语,意思是打破常规思维,超越传统的框架,寻求创新的、不...
out-of-the-box thinking双语例句1.He hit out at me without thinking.\x09他不假思索地向我猛击过来.2.After repeated exhortation by his comrades,he finally straightened out his thinking.\x09经过同志们再三劝导,他终于想通了.3.He hit out at me without thinking,but missed.\x09他不加思索地向我打...
out of the box thinking “跳出定势”的思维 双语例句 1 That might be the real “ out of the box ” thinking which could guide us in our work.这也许才是能够给我们的工作以指导作用的“走出困境”的真正的思考。2 For breakthrough projects maybe it ' s better to have someone who ...
out-of-the-box thinking [网络] 创造性思维;思考;创新思维
Out of the box thinking means you’re indifferent to the expectations of others, and play by your own rules.
“To think imaginatively using new ideas instead of traditional or expected ideas.” Sometimes we have to think outside the box when trying to find a solution to a problem. ‘I’ vs. ‘Out’ of the box thinking The ‘box’ is a frame, i.e., the conventional way of approaching or th...
out-of-the-box thinking 创新思维、跳出盒子的思维方式 例句:It's not with out-of-the-box thinking or other facile forms of corporate creativity, but through the effects of community-the milieu, the culture, and the camaraderie in which innovators find themselves.突破并不是所谓打破...