Out of the box thinking means you’re indifferent to the expectations of others, and play by your own rules.
economic and national security demands are reported to be encouraging to industry leaders. It reports that Bersin also meets with trade association leaders at the beginning of every month and he is also a supporter of risk targeting.FriedBrandon...
Second , Oracle 9 iAS Wireless includes a set of out - of - the - box location applications. 此外, Oracle9iASWireless还含有一套系统外定位应用程序. 互联网 I am an out - of - the - box thinker. 我是创新的思想家. 互联网 A strange sound cameout of the box. ...
Moral of the story: It’s always possible to overcome a tough situation through thinking out of the box, and notgive in tothe only options you think you have to pick from.寓意:只要我们肯放开思路,无论形势有多么艰...
THNINKING OUTSIDE-THE-BOX. The notion 'thinking outside the box' is far more than just another management cliché. It is a very powerful concept worthy of deeper consideration in today's complex and rapidly changing world.
While reading the stories of great people like Steve Jobs, Isaac Newton, Leonardo Da Vinci, Bill Gates and even MJ DeMarco, I concluded that these people have had immense creativity and thinking capacity that many people lack. And because of these skills, these people brought so much change ...
Out-of-the-box thinker Steve Jobs provides an even more powerful example of “not true” thinking when he strove to grow Apple’s computer business over 20 years ago by imagining new sales coming from devices that werenotperceived as computers (but really were) such as iPods, iPho...
At the heart of every great outside-the-box thinker, there’s a deep sense of empathy. You don’t just see the world through your own eyes, but through the eyes of others. This allows you to understand problems from various perspectives, often leading to more creative and inclusive soluti...
ˈthinkernoun a person who thinks,especiallydeeply and constructively.He's one of the world's great thinkers.pensador -thought-out planned.a well-thought-out campaign.planeado, concebido,pensado think better of 1.to think again and decide not to; to reconsider.He was going to ask for more...
we turned as a group to discuss how CEOs could make a culture of thinking outside of that restrictive box of experience. We considered adding questions to the interview process that could bring surprising answers from a job candidate, pointing to a creative thinker that might complement the ...