thinking that moves away in diverging directions so as to involve a variety of aspects and which sometimes lead to novel ideas and solutions; associated with creativity synonyms:divergent thinking see more Cite this entry Style: MLA "Out-of-the-box thinking." Dictionary,
Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> thoughtthought processthinkingmentationintellectioncerebrationcreativitycreativenessdivergent thi...out-of-the... noun Synonyms for out-of-the-box thinking nounthinking that moves away in diverging directions so as to involve a variet...
Out of the box thinking means you’re indifferent to the expectations of others, and play by your own rules.
Out-of-the-box thinking,即创造性思维或创新思维,是超越传统框架和规则,寻求新颖、独特且实用的想法和解决方案的思维方式。这种思维方式不仅强调新颖性和独特性,还注重在实际应用中的创新性和实用性,是推动个人和组织进步的重要动力。 一、定义与特点 Out-of-the-box thinkin...
Thinking out of the box',即“跳出框框想问题”,是一种鼓励创新、挑战常规的思维方式。以下是对这一概念的详细阐述:
B10U2Thinkingoutofthebox 1.WhatdoesthequotefromJohannWolfgangvon Goethemean? Daringideasarelikechessmenmovedforward;theymay bebeaten,buttheymaystartawinninggame. —JohannWolfgangvonGoethe Thequoteisintendedtoencouragepeopletoactivelybecreative,a ndnottobeafraidofdifficultiesorfailures.Thesedifficultiesandfail ...
out-of-the-box thinking 创新思维、跳出盒子的思维方式 例句:It's not with out-of-the-box thinking or other facile forms of corporate creativity, but through the effects of community-the milieu, the culture, and the camaraderie in which innovators find themselves.突破并不是所谓打破...
在讲述中,Martin教授通过一个经典的数学谜题——“九点谜题”(Nine Dots Puzzle),启发同学们在思考时要努力尝试“Thinking outside the box”,即打破常规思维,提出更有创意的观点和方法。结合博弈论的实例,Martin教授还深入浅出地讲授了...
(拥抱) out-of-the-box thinking and allow their workers to make mistakes and see what happens, Simon Casuto wrote for Forbes. It seems that failure isn't always a bad thing. The key is whether or not you can learn from your mistakes....
Out of the box thinking,通常被翻译为“创造性思维”或“非传统思考”,是一种至关重要的思维方式,它鼓励我们打破常规、超越框架,以新颖、独特且实用的方式解决问题。以下是对这一概念的详细阐述: 一、定义与核心特点 Out of the box thinking的核心在于追求新颖性和独特性,...