1、Our World第一版美版组合拆分版:Student Book、WorkBook、Grammar Practice Worksheet、Audio、Vidoe、Writing Book、Teacher Resources、Songs、Assessment Book、白板软件 2、Our World第一版美版组合版:Student Book、WorkBook、Grammar WorkBook、Answer Key、Lesson Planner (版面有限,此处仅展示部分)我的名字就是有需...
石头老师教英语创作的外语有声书作品Our World 1 Student Book,目前已更新144个声音,收听最新音频章节Our World 1 P4/P5。
类型:其它类型ISBN13:9781133939337ISBN10:1133939333出版社:CENGAGE Learning商品备注:学生用书+ CDROM, 和9781133945123 必须成套购买,价格268元 商品简介 暂无英文简介 查看Google书籍信息 购前须知 图书的预售 若书籍的出版日期为将来的时间,即该商品处于预售状态。我们将在出版后进行发货。
瑞藤教育创作的外语有声书作品Our World L1 Student Book,目前已更新141个声音,收听最新音频章节ow2e_sb1_ame_TR.10.1。国家地理出版《OurWorld》教材一共七个级别(Starter-L6),主要针对6-13岁,适合...
our world 环球少年英语系列级别四 4b 学生用书 Our World Level 4B Student Book。 Unit 1: Living in Harmony with Nature。 In today's fast-paced world, the importance of living in harmony with nature cannot be overstated. As human activities continue to impact the environment, it has become ...
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1. The are smiling at the teacher. (student) 2. The are laughing at the puppet. (child) 3. Some are worried about the time. (person) 4. My are angry about my messy room. (parent) 5. Most and like sports. (boy/girl) 1
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