Ethnic politics in post-revolutionary Ottoman Empire: Armenians, Arabs, and Jews during the Second Constitutional Period (1908--1909)With few exceptions, scholarship on the history of the Young Turk revolution has been Turkocentric, addressing the history of the revolution from the p...
The Ottoman Empire was actually one of three multi-ethnic, multi-religious empires in Europe that perished as a result of World War I, along with Austria-Hungary and tsarist Russia. To the east of the Ottomans were two other, long-lasting empires, the Persian empire ruled by the Qajar dyna...
Ethnic groups in the Six vilayets of the Ottoman Empire in 1912 / Hovik95, Wikimedia Commons They were part of the Armenian millet until the Tanzimat reforms in the nineteenth century equalized all Ottoman citizens before the law. Curated/Reviewed by Matthew A. McIntoshPublic HistorianBrew...
Armenian Genocide - Ottoman Empire, 1915, Ethnic Cleansing: The battle of Sarikamis in 1915 was the worst Ottoman defeat of the war. The Young Turk government blamed Armenian treachery. Disarmed Armenian soldiers were murdered by Ottoman troops, the firs
Süleimān I then added areas that had never been permanent parts of the Roman Empire, like Iraq and Hungary. Picking up the conflict with the Safavids, Süleimān I for the first time since Alexander the Great removed Iraq from Iranian possession (the map above shows the pre-Safavid Aq Qoyu...
In recent decades, the “big microdata revolution” has transformed access to transcribed historical census data for social science research. However, the population records of the Ottoman Empire, spanning Southeastern Europe, Western Asia, and Northern
Ethnic Nationalism, Wars and the Patterns of Social, Political and Sexual Violence against Women: the Case of Post Yugoslav Countries The paper takes the recent conflict and wars in the region of post‐Yugoslav states and their impact on women as the point of departure. In this empirical ......
Theregion’ssocial structuresbeganto dissolve due to multi-directionalstruggles, includingethnic and religious conflicts,centerversus provincerivalry,and inter-communal struggles andtensions between feudal lords and villagers.In addition to the Ottoman administration,France, the British Empire,Austria,Russia ...
Blumi, Isa, "Contesting the Edges of Ottoman Empire: Rethinking Ethnic and Sectarian Boundaries in the Malesore, 1878-1912", International Jour- nal of Middle East Studies, Number 35 (2003).Blumi, Isa. "Contesting the Edges of the Ottoman Empire: Rethinking Ethnic and Sectarian Boundaries in ...
This article examines how the Ottoman Empire through pre-modern surveys (tahrir) and censuses, counted, categorized and classified their population according to ethnic and religious identities, and how the social, economic and political transformation impacted on the change of taxonomy (nomenclature, ...