With few exceptions, scholarship on the history of the Young Turk revolution has been Turkocentric, addressing the history of the revolution from the perspective of the Young Turks as the dominant group in the Ottoman Empire.Der Matossian, Bedross...
In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: html_title /html_title Reviewed by Maria Todorova (bio) Dimitris Stamatopoulos, editor, Balkan Nationalism(s) and the Ottoman Empire . Vol. 1, National Movements and Representations . Vol. 2, Political Violence and the Balkan...
Blumi, Isa, "Contesting the Edges of Ottoman Empire: Rethinking Ethnic and Sectarian Boundaries in the Malesore, 1878-1912", International Jour- nal of Middle East Studies, Number 35 (2003).Blumi, Isa. "Contesting the Edges of the Ottoman Empire: Rethinking Ethnic and Sectarian Boundaries in ...
This article examines how the Ottoman Empire through pre-modern surveys (tahrir) and censuses, counted, categorized and classified their population according to ethnic and religious identities, and how the social, economic and political transformation impacted on the change of taxonomy (nomenclature, ...
The fact that neither the Ottoman Empire nor the Turkish Republic has gone through a distinctive "era of lynching" in contrast to the United States may explain the reason for this. However, as attempted lynchings have increased in recent years, mainly targeting Kurds and leftist activists, ...
Ethnic cleansing, the attempt to create ethnically homogeneous geographic areas through the deportation or forcible displacement of persons belonging to particular ethnic groups. Ethnic cleansing sometimes involves the removal of all physical vestiges of
Armenian Genocide - Ottoman Empire, 1915, Ethnic Cleansing: The battle of Sarikamis in 1915 was the worst Ottoman defeat of the war. The Young Turk government blamed Armenian treachery. Disarmed Armenian soldiers were murdered by Ottoman troops, the firs
Balkans - Nation-Building, Ethnic Conflict, Yugoslavia: While the 18th century in the Balkans was dominated by the steady decline of Ottoman power, the outstanding feature of the 19th century was the creation of nation-states on what had been Ottoman ter