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Breaking News, Headlines and Stories | Ottawa Citizen Advertisement 1 This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Previous Is Lansdowne killing the ByWard Market? Trending Adam: Why Ottawans don't want a Kettle Island bridge Trending Ottawa firefighters uninjured after...
Another Ottawa Citizen article mentioning the sealed underground washrooms. Then, another article was found, this time from an earlier edition of the Ottawa Citizen, where it was mentioned: “A large public washroom of Roaring Twenties style awaits re-discovery below O’Connor Street”…That ma...
A 1945 article in the Toronto Star about the theory Hitler escaped with treasures to Antarctica. (GoogleNews) Reports began to circulate that Hitler knowing his imminent demise had ordered documents and artifacts loaded aboard U-boats to take them to Antarctica under “Project Valkyrie 2”. A boo...
While OREC promotes itself as a “green” organization, interested in “sustainability,” the fact is, it is an investor group, interested in making money. They have shown little concern, even disdain for citizen concerns (see note below) about the environment and community well-being. ...
The city could build a library for the same amount of money that leasing a new library would cost, city manager Kent Kirkpatrick told the city council according to the "Ottawa Citizen." Kirkpatrick also recommended in a memo that the library postpone public consultations until priorities for the...
if ever, is a service provided by government to a citizen not a "service available to the public" - What is the appropriate test for determining whether a human rights commission erred in referring a matter to a formal adjudicative hearing – Section 5 of the Human Rights Act, R.S.N.B...
s search following the collapse of her marriage for a “better life” and opportunities for her sons in in Canada. Amid the poverty, betrayal and despair there is an ever-present humour and as Ho moves through pools of illuminated “tiles”, subtly shedding blazer, vest, then shirt, he ...
After strutting herself at the 2022 World Cup, Croatian super fan Ivana Knoll is keeping the party going into the New Year. Article content Still enjoying her roller-coaster ride to international fame thanks to the revealing outfits she wore during the tournament, the beauty qu...