Another Ottawa Citizen article mentioning the sealed underground washrooms. Then, another article was found, this time from an earlier edition of the Ottawa Citizen, where it was mentioned: “A large public washroom of Roaring Twenties style awaits re-discovery below O’Connor Street”…That ma...
When contact was lost with Hillcoat’s B17, a search and rescue mission scoured the area of the ocean where the plane may have disappeared. Some mailbags were found floating on the surface of the ocean, but no other signs of wreckage, survivors or debris were ever found. No distress call...
It seems unfitting that the greatest warship to ever sail the Great lakes now lies quietly forgotten below the very waters it used to protect. Andrew King, Posted April 30th, 2023. From an earlier column in the Ottawa Citizen, 2014 Posted in Uncategorized on April 30, 2023. 1 Comment ...
^"Parent finds box of syringes as daughter moves into University of Ottawa residence".Ottawa Citizen. Retrieved 2009-09-09. ...
100in1day is a global festival that activates citizen-led initiatives in public spaces across a city. Originating in Bogota, Colombia, and spreading to cities across the globe, the citizen-led festival is a platform for residents to host one hundred or more thoughtful and playful “interventions...
Andrew King, September 2016 SOURCES The Ottawa Citizen via Google News GoogleMaps Library and Archives Canada
Headlines from 1987 Ottawa Citizen regarding the coin caper. (Google News Archives) For several weeks, the lost coin stymied officials who considered making a minor variation to the voyageur design that could possibly reveal the thief’s location. It was thought the risk of counterfeiting was too...