so forced to hurry for a human festival, with their harshness madelight of, as though the Bishop of Hereford had again been forced to dancein his boots by a merry highwayman.The clock is an inexorable but less arbitrary player than the bellringer,and the chimes await their appointed time to...
See! Here is the formal deed of gift of the parcel of ground known as Solvik in the Manor of Rosenvold, with all the newly constructed buildings, schoolrooms, master's house, and chapel. And here is the legal fiat for the endowment and for the Bye-laws of the Institution. Will you ...
On a practical level, I always leave feeling like we uncovered a missing, yet important piece of information that I can act on in my everyday life. At the end of a reading I feel empowered, more relaxed, and uplifted, even if what is revealed is challenging. ...
A digging out or up. effrenation noun (n.) Unbridled license; unruliness. effusion noun (n.) The act of pouring out; as, effusion of water, of blood, of grace, of words, and the like. noun (n.) That which is poured out, literally or figuratively. noun (n.) The escape of a...
Brave New Words, Salman Khan Co-intelligence, Ethan Mollick How to Retire, Christine Benz The 6 Types of Working Genius, Patrick Lencioni The Great River, Boyce Upholt Wild New World, Dan Flores I’m doing the same thing in 2025. My approach is the same as in previous years – I’ll...
The cutting off or suppression of a vowel or syllable, for the sake of meter or euphony; esp., in poetry, the dropping of a final vowel standing before an initial vowel in the following word, when the two words are drawn together. elixation noun (n.) A seething; digestion. elizabethan...
He gathered up the jewels and replaced them in his girdle. For a long time he stood and watched the flame that flickered and sank upon the altar. Then he crossed the hall, lifted the heavy curtain, and passed out between the dull red pillars of porphyry to the terrace on the roof. ...
An instant afterward she had rushed down the passage and burst in upon me with uplifted hand and startled eyes. “Lord ’a mercy, sir!” she cried, “and asking your pardon for troubling you, but I’m feared o’ the young leddy, sir; she is not in her room.” “Why, there ...
For now, my suggestions would be:“Living in the moment ” by Jason Mraz; “Shut up and Dance” by Walk the Moon; “Can’t Stop the Feeling” by Justin Timberlake; “Dancing Queen ” by Abba. I could go on.. Thank you for your inspiring words. I’ve never met you, but you ...
Not once did they drop their wings, and the peculiar expression of those uplifted palms, as it were, I shall never forget. It occurred to me that perhaps here was a case of attempted bird-charming on the part of the snake, so I looked on from behind the fence. The birds charged ...