This film is AMERICAN PIE for confirmed bachelors and, despite its over-the-top debauchery, has an uplifting aura about it I can't quite explain. Watching porn models trying to go (somewhat) legit is also a belly buster.Best enjoyed with cosmos or some other party favor that tickles your...
when the news program starts late. The morning is filled with food, features and uplifting bits, many of which are re-played over and over. Most, I have seen before. I went toYouTube, to see if there was anything new and interesting, and took the time to delete ...
It’s a word we use to convey the depth of our feelings towards a person, activity, or cause. List of Synonyms for Passionate Ardent Fervent Zealous Intense Fiery Enthusiastic Eager Keen Avid Fierce Emotional Excited Animated Spirited Vigorous Strong Forceful Heated Burning Impassioned Vehement Warm...
Astonishing: For things that surprise us in a positive way. Staggering: For something that overwhelms us with its grandeur or scale. Quality and Admirability Sometimes, we want to commend the admirable qualities of a person or thing. In such cases, we might use: Magnificent: Represents somethi...
Yet even here, in this statement of one person’s certain love for another, the first word we read, not once leading a line but thrice, is “if.” It’s an interesting way to phrase it. Perhaps it’s the true way, the only way. * The words most of us want to hear when in ...
Inspirational – one of the most uplifting and informed pieces on the debate I have read in a very long time. johntomsett I have been a teacher for 25 years, a Headteacher for 10 years and, at the age of 49, this much I know about…why we should never grade individual lessons again...
The shafts also allow for extra light passing through the building, making it a more uplifting experience for the people working inside. 10,000 tonnes of steel and 24,000 sq m of glass was used in its external construction and regardless of its round façade the only round piece of glass...
The Galdeans, led by Field Marshal Dlorn, defeated the darklings at the Crimson Fields and now head south, for word has come that the Black Imelin has turned his aim toward Meisthelm. With the army of the Hierarchy engaged far to the south, Dlorn and his Galdeans are the only forc...
Soul Seeds for All:Uplifting nuggets. Break out the Kleenex. Surely something up there is your bag? By all means send me your own faves. Regardless: Don’t go down without a fight! Take steps to feel UP! Then spread the wealth, as able. Good day. ...
XingfuMama has a really uplifting challenge for us.We are invited to step back for a few moments each week to find something lovely or to tell of a precious moment in our lives. A couple of days ago, after two days of almost continuous rain, I looked out of my kitchen window to be...