Glassblower design/logo (trademark showing the figure of a man holding a glass blowpipe upward, blowing into the pipe). In some instances, the design might be mistaken for a man blowing on a musical instrument ………. this trademark was used by MacBeth-Evans Glass Company, Pittsburgh, PA; ...
an entire month of traditions large and small, personal and cultural. Singing the same songs. Telling the same lies to children. In my case, living in a self-curated museum. For many of us, this month means dredging up some artifact from the past, whether it’s ...
by Ruth Webb Lee in her groundbreaking reference work “Early American Pressed Glass” (1931 and later editions) from a personal conversation she had with an elderly knowledgeable Pittsburgh-area glassblower. Crystal Glass Company made mostly pressed glass tableware items (usually classed under “Early...