The Exact torch is the standard high-pressure torch used in glassblowing to heat specific parts of a work-in-progress. It is a modular system with interchangeable heads that go up to about 400,000 BTUs.Back to Top Eye Protection-
Glass Cockpit– A term used to describe an aircraft that is fully equipped with electronic, digital flight instrument displays, instead of analog-style gauges. “George”– Nickname given to the autopilot system Go-Around– Ago-aroundoccurs when the pilot abandons a landing and goes around the f...
What is enjoyable about these is the educational aspect, you hear a lot of stories about the origins of glass blowing. You get to hear and learn Terms and techniques that have been used to shape modern glass you see today. To finish the live The whole elev8 team hopped on and ...
The first flow diagramillustratesthe process ofglass container production, andthe second diagramshowssteps in the process ofrecycling used glass. Overview - 2 sentences, 2 main points We can see that glass is made using three main raw materials, and that themanufacturing processconsists of four di...
gather - In glass-blowing, the glob of molten glass collected and to be blown on the end of a punty or pontil. gauge - To measure; or, a certain unit of measure. Often refers either to a device used to measure the thickness of sheet metal or thickness of wire, or to the thickness...
It is also used for various knife sharpeners.Carbide Tip. A hard, sharp carbon/iron material used where a very hard material is needed such as in machining or drilling steel. Carbide is commonly used to make the glass breaking tips found on various rescue knives. It is also used for ...
CHILD LABOUR SHALL NOT BE USED There shall be no new recruitment of child labour. Companies shall develop or participate in and contribute to policies and programmes which provide for the transition of any child found to be performing child labour to enable her or him to attend and remain in...
It’s a time when families come together to remember a story from a long time ago when a small amount of oil lasted for eight days in a temple’s lamp, even though it was only enough for one day of light. Important terms: Dreidel— a four-sided spinning top used in a traditional ...
Source: Christine Skeeles Schloss, Essay in "American Folk Painters of Three Centuries" by Jean Lipman and Tom Armstrong. Beauty / Beautiful Subjective words, these are commonly used to describe pleasing visual responses and often used to express a positive reaction to natural phenomena or to a...
Fiber optic lines are strands of optically pure glass as thin as a human hair that can carry transmitted information via light pulses over long distances. They are also used in medical imaging and mechanical engineering inspection. They are composed of three main components: core, cladding and co...