Fix old looping samples not stopping when replacing a SkinnableSound's Samples (#30389 by @bdach) Increase ducking duration when selecting osu!mania ruleset (#30423 by @nekodex) Extends the duck duration to sit better with the new longer osu!mania selection sample. Code Quality Enable NRT ...
The mall’s sleek, modern design, paired with its spacious and well-organized layout, makes it a comfortable and stylish place to shop. In addition to fashion, Lachic also features a variety of beauty and wellness stores, where visitors can find high-end skincare products and cos...
Placement blueprints are all unchanged because attempting to access anything skinnable in the placement blueprint, before there is a DHO placed in an actual column, is hell. So I'm leaving that for later.beforeafterFix osu!mania notes disappearing on seek to their end time (#30755 by @bd...
Update game structure with the returned iOS application delegates (#31152 by @frenzibyte) Fix hardware cursor showing on iPadOS when it shouldn't (#31226 by @frenzibyte) Settings Add ability to rename the current skin (#31220 by @normalid-awa) In settings for now, very temporary. Song ...
Update game structure with the returned iOS application delegates (#31152 by @frenzibyte) Fix hardware cursor showing on iPadOS when it shouldn't (#31226 by @frenzibyte) Settings Add ability to rename the current skin (#31220 by @normalid-awa) In settings for now, very temporary. Song ...