mrekk | BTMC REACTS TO MY HR PP RECORD 1132PP OSU成绩搬运姬 2160 2 1500PP on BANG BANG // 12.3⭐ OSU成绩搬运姬 3011 4 MREKK | 1 9 8 0 P P OSU成绩搬运姬 8590 25 [RX PP记录] 3266pp//少女 A [plambob] +HDNCRX 95.42 2❌ OSU成绩搬运姬 2914 3 ...
here to become the next mrekk (setting 1700 pp record) and go BTMC godmode while eating flyingtuna's and petting a WhiteCat while Akolibed simultaneously chokes getting number #1 in osu! Also, did you know Ivaxa and Sytho are top 10 osu! players now? Crazy world we live in: https...
Osumaka Likaka. Naming Colonialism: History and Collective Memory in the Congo, 1870–1960. (Africa and the Diaspora: History, Politics, Culture.) Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. 2009. Pp. xii, 220. $26.95doi:10.1086/ahr.116.3.913...
you can enable it using the ENABLE procedure in the DBMS_AUTO_TASK_ADMIN package BEGIN DBMS_AUTO_TASK_ADMIN.ENABLE( client_name => 'auto optimizer stats collection', operation => NULL, window_name => NULL); END; You can query the dba_autotask_client and dba_autotask_job_history to find...
220 pp. $26.95. What's in a name? According to Osumaka Likaka, history, memory, and poignant critiques of both. In Naming Colonialism: History and Collective Memory in the Congo, Likaka argues that Congolese villagers created names to identify Belgian colon...
2010 . Phylogenetic history of Simosuchus clarki (Crocodyliformes: Notosuchia) from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar ; pp. 177 – 236 in D. W. Krause and N. J. Kley (eds.), Simosuchus clarki (Crocodyliformes: Notosuchia) from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar. Society of ...