这张图应该是skorer转cuppp的7K转4K的 这张图存在大部分的speed LN,也有一大段常规,所以我把这张图当常规来看,主要还是这张图核心还是在常规上,这张图我非常推荐常规高于L然后LN过不了12的玩家玩,比较容易熟悉LN (3)LN基本键型 转载 【osu!mania】一个普通的4k LN科普以及一些建议 by lgzzz & cherrychou ...
Type Other Bug description I was playing in Osu!Lazer, in multiplayer mode, in mania. I applied to some songs the 4K mod and when we hit play, the game ignores the 4K mod. Screenshots or videos 2022-06-04.12-15-57.mp4 Version 2022.528.0-...
Fix catch applying positional clamping too early (#25726 by @smoogipoo) Gameplay (osu!mania) Change osu!mania HP drain to match stable (#25587 by @smoogipoo) Fix osu!mania beatmap conversions sometimes having the wrong key count (#25712 by @smoogipoo) Fix mania "autoplay" mod missing ...
[教程/资源/工具] osu!mania 4/7K段位合集 OM4K段位等级: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-alpha(α)-beta(β)-gamma(γ)-delta(δ)-epsil ... 共5张 ...23456..62 楼主: amxmodx 2021-11-4 13:32 | 最后发表: chuang1227 2023-9-14 19:49 611 / 233227 ...
Fix advanced stats in beatmap info overlay showing "key count" on non-mania beatmaps (ppy/osu#27380 by @frenzibyte) Smaller changes Update markdown code block implementation in line with framework changes (ppy/osu#27218 by @frenzibyte) Localisation updates (ppy/osu-resources#310 by @peppy) ...
m- mode (0 = osu!, 1 = Taiko, 2 = CtB, 3 = osu!mania). Optional, maps of all modes are returned by default. a- specify whether converted beatmaps are included (0 = not included, 1 = included). Only has an effect ifmis chosen and not 0. Converted maps show their converted di...
m- mode (0 = osu!, 1 = Taiko, 2 = CtB, 3 = osu!mania). Optional, maps of all modes are returned by default. a- specify whether converted beatmaps are included (0 = not included, 1 = included). Only has an effect ifmis chosen and not 0. Converted maps show their converted di...
【osu!mania】一个普通的4k LN科普以及一些建议 by lgzzz & cherrychou *LN的类型有哪些? 作为一种已经有一定成型度的键型,LN在一部分osu!mania玩家的游玩中占有重要的地位。 目前普遍认为较为合理的om侧LN能力认证为_underjoy的LN段位,他设定的过段要求以及键型分类原文翻译如下: ...