I discovered this bug while mapping on the very first version of osu! on osekai with Mania support which is b20121003shine.test. This version of the game allows mappers to use unconventional object types for modern Mania maps such as Spinners and Sliders (rather than Hold notes) This image...
Add missing mania tooltip overlay for 4k and 7k (#31084 by @NicholasChin28) New Contributors @NicholasChin28 made their first contribution in #31084 Full Changelog: 2024.1208.0...2024.1219.2 Contributors peppy, smoogipoo, and 9 other contributors Assets 21 Loading 👍 4 🎉 2 ️...
The courses consist of 4 maps with breaks between them being around 10 seconds (more or less). The course structure is as follows: Stage 1: All-round/hybrid LN map Stage 2: Release/technical LN map Stage 3: Inverse/wall LN map Stage 4: Speed/density LN map 段位包括4张谱面,每两首歌...
Fix advanced stats in beatmap info overlay showing "key count" on non-mania beatmaps (ppy/osu#27380 by @frenzibyte) Smaller changes Update markdown code block implementation in line with framework changes (ppy/osu#27218 by @frenzibyte) Localisation updates (ppy/osu-resources#310 by @peppy) ...
【osu!mania】一个普通的4k LN科普以及一些建议 by lgzzz & cherrychou *LN的类型有哪些? 作为一种已经有一定成型度的键型,LN在一部分osu!mania玩家的游玩中占有重要的地位。 目前普遍认为较为合理的om侧LN能力认证为_underjoy的LN段位,他设定的过段要求以及键型分类原文翻译如下: ...
Adding a separate option (from 5K + 5K), named as "10K" in the osu!mania key configuration options menu as default for maps with 10 keys. Defining a default single player key configuration layout for 10K maps, examples that 10k players tend to use (images): ...
osu!mania fr.md Registration ru.md Skinning/Guides_and_Important_Threads en.md Skinning_Tutorial Interface en.md osu! en.md Storyboard_Scripting/Cheat_Sheet en.md Tournaments ANZT/2018_Summer en.md CMT_4K/2017 en.md zh-tw.md zh.md CWC 2014 es.md ko.md zh...
Add missing mania tooltip overlay for 4k and 7k (#31084 by @NicholasChin28) New Contributors @NicholasChin28 made their first contribution in #31084 Full Changelog: 2024.1208.0...2024.1219.2 Contributors peppy, smoogipoo, and 9 other contributors Assets 21 Loading 👍 4 🎉 2 ️...
mania had 2 entrants, with **[Julie](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/Julie)** taking 1st place with a score of 32 out of 40. If you'd like to try out the different maps created for this contest, **[you can find the .osz here](http://puu.sh/kbadX/41b4f925e2.osz)** containing ...
osu!mania de.md fr.md ja.md osu!taiko de.md fr.md hu.md id.md ja.md pt.md ru.md Rules Code_of_Conduct_for_Modding_and_Mapping en.md zh.md es.md Shortcut_key_reference es.md id.md pl.md pt.md Skinning_Tutorial Interface en.md en.md ...