osu晚报 · 52篇 太长不看版:本周有6项社区赛事推荐;4K MWC中国队组建完毕;3CWC中国队即将迎战中国香港队;LLC完赛,lolol233夺冠;4CWC本周进行资格赛;MP5、ICC本周开始淘汰赛;OCNT本周进行小组赛最后一轮的比赛;介绍一些实用的osu社区网站。 喜欢的话就点个赞并分享给你的朋友吧 宣传栏 广告位招租 社区赛事...
Visible on some maps with partial beatmap skins included: BeforeAfter UI Add recommended difficulty numerical value near filter in beatmap listing (#31101 by @Joehuu) Smaller changes Fix top score statistics section total score display being terminally broken (#31041 by @bdach) Fixes total sc...
若要过段,需要使用"score v2" 模式达到96.00%及更高的准确率,中途不得暂停。 The courses consist of 4 maps with breaks between them being around 10 seconds (more or less). The course structure is as follows: Stage 1: All-round/hybrid LN map Stage 2: Release/technical LN map Stage 3: Inv...
Add missing mania tooltip overlay for 4k and 7k (#31084 by @NicholasChin28) New Contributors @NicholasChin28 made their first contribution in #31084 Full Changelog: 2024.1208.0...2024.1219.2 Contributors peppy, smoogipoo, and 9 other contributors Assets 21 install.exe 154 MB 2024-12-19...
App & System ServicesMaps & LocationMapKitMaps and LocationWWDC20 0 0 729 Jun ’20 Sticker Pack problems with Xcode 11 I've got two problems with Xcode 11 GM:1. Whenever I upload my app that contains a sticker extension, App Store Connect yells at me: WARNING ITMS-90747: "Architecture ...
3 0 4k Apr ’19 Developer FooterThis site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. Apple disclaims any and all liability for the acts, omissions and conduct of any third parties in connection with or related to your use of the site. All...
OM4K段位等级: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-alpha(α)-beta(β)-gamma(γ)-delta(δ)-epsil ... 共5张 ...23456..62 楼主: amxmodx 2021-11-4 13:32 | 最后发表: chuang1227 2023-9-14 19:49 611 / 263027 [闲聊] 有人一起玩osu mania吗? 感觉一个人玩久了比较无聊,有人一起来吗...
【osu!mania】一个普通的4k LN科普以及一些建议 by lgzzz & cherrychou *LN的类型有哪些? 作为一种已经有一定成型度的键型,LN在一部分osu!mania玩家的游玩中占有重要的地位。 目前普遍认为较为合理的om侧LN能力认证为_underjoy的LN段位,他设定的过段要求以及键型分类原文翻译如下: ...
太长不看版:本周有6项社区赛事推荐;4K MWC中国队组建完毕;3CWC中国队即将迎战中国香港队;LLC完赛,lolol233夺冠;4CWC本周进行资格赛;MP5、ICC本周开始淘汰赛;OCNT本周进行小组赛最后一轮的比赛;介绍一些实用的osu社区网站。 喜欢的话就点个赞并分享给你的朋友吧 ...
Hot on the heels of our very own [osu!mania 4K World Cup Finals week](https://osu.ppy.sh/home/news/2024-09-25-osumania-4k-world-cup-2024-finals-recap) comes OWC 2024, with changes to the rank range and pick/ban phase procedures. For this year's edition, the tournament structure ...