The Dwarf multicannon is a useful Ranged weapon for multicombat. You must complete the Dwarf Cannon quest to use one. Access to Fossil Island Fossil Island is home to ammonite crabs, one of the best monsters to train on in OSRS. To access Fossil Island, you must first complete the Bone ...
It is rather risky to wield though as using it requires you to have a Slayer level of 85. If you want something better but harder to get, go for the Voidwaker instead. It has better stats and can be passed on for your best-in-slot choice for special attack. The two best weapons ...
As a thin sword, Rapier is an excellent weapon to deliver stab attacks to your enemies. With this weapon, you can inflict many stab bonus attacks that can damage your enemies. You need to reach Attack Level 40 to use this weapon in this game. To get this weapon, you need to complete ...
Melee consists of 3-skills: Attack, Strength, and Defense. These skills can be trained in any order, although an emphasis should be put on Strength for end-game efficiency. It can take longer to train all three melee stats compared to range or magic, but it is ideal for end-game conten...
As always, we refer to the in-game timings as cycles. Each cycle is equal to 0.6 seconds and is also commonly referred to as a 'tick' by the wider community. Masori Armour The Masori were powerful ranged weapon-wielders active during an ancient Kharidian war. They focused primarily on ...
Levels 1 to 20 Levels 20 to 40 Levels 40 to 60 Level 60+ Getting Started First, always make sure you are using the accurate attacking style, as this is what improves your attack experience. You can level attack with any melee weapon you’d like, but there are well-established best prac...