Always use a shortbow when training Ranged, and use the 'Rapid' attack option to speed up training. For the first 20-30 levels, you might feel inclined to use 'Accurate' for its invisible +3 Ranged boost, but it's up to you. Levels 20-30: Barbarians From levels 20-30, train on ...
You need to reach Attack Level 40 to use this weapon in this game. To get this weapon, you need to complete a quest called Cabin Fever first. Weapon Details: This weapon can give a +45 stab attack bonus and a +7 slash attack bonus. You can get this weapon from a character named S...
It has better stats and can be passed on for your best-in-slot choice for special attack. The two best weapons for Ironmen are the Ghrazi rapier and the Osmumten’s fang. Unfortunately, these weapons are very hard to get even on a regular account, let alone on an Ironman account ...
First, always make sure you are using the accurate attacking style, as this is what improves your attack experience. You can level attack with any melee weapon you’d like, but there are well-established best practices for gear sets and power leveling: Always use the highest-level scimitar y...
As always, we refer to the in-game timings as cycles. Each cycle is equal to 0.6 seconds and is also commonly referred to as a 'tick' by the wider community. Masori Armour The Masori were powerful ranged weapon-wielders active during an ancient Kharidian war. They focused primarily on ...
Of all crossbows to grind your ranged level up with, the Dorgeshuun is by far the best. With a high attack speed for its weapon type, as well as extremely cheap bolts in the form ofBone bolts. Obviously for pure DPS you won’t turn to this weapon but no other crossbow will give ...
Open the door and make your way north until you come to one of the generals. Turn on protect from melee and attack. Try to range if you can. When you beat him he will drop a prison cell key. Exit the area back through the wooden door and then head North to the staircase marked ...
Here is a general path on how you should upgrade your melee training gear: 1-20 Str/Att/Def: Full iron without kiteshield Amulet of Strength Event RPG – (fastestmelee weaponwith the best DPS until level 20 stats) Iron boots Combat Bracelet ...