1.物理层(Physical Layer) 物理层是OSI分层结构体系中最重要、最基础的一层,它建立在传输媒介基础上,起建立、维护和取消物理连接作用,实现设备之间的物理接口。物理层只接收和发送一串比特(bit)流,不考虑信息的意义和信息结构。 2. 数据链路层(Data Link Layer) 在物理层提供比特流服务的基础上,将比特信息封装成...
OSI模型第2层:数据链路层(OSI Model Layer 2: Data Link Layer) Data link layersynchronizes the information which is to be transmitted over the physical layer.数据链路层同步要在物理层上传输的信息。 The main function of this layer is to make sure data transfer is error free from one node to ...
that use the network through this layer, common protocol, HTTP, FTP, POP3, SMTP, etc. Transport layer... device and other devices, such as OSI 7-layer model, TCP/IP. OSI 7-layer Model It stands for智能推荐OSI模型 开放式系统互联通信参考模型(Open System Interconnection Reference Model),简...
Every level should able to provide services to the next higher layer. Changes made in one layer should not need changes in other lavers. Characteristics TCP/IP Model Here are the essential characteristics of the TCP/IP protocol: Support for a flexible architecture Adding more systems to a ...
In the vast universe of information technology, the OSI Reference Model stands as a beacon, illuminating the path towards standardization and regularization of network interconnection. Proposed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), it defines a seven-layer framework for network commu...
Functions of the application layer As the top layer, the application layer of the OSI model handles many functions in a communication network, including: Mail services.Layer 7 is responsible for email forwarding and storage. It also allows users to engage in other communication types, like video...
The significant features and functions of this layer (for Ethernet II frames) include: Media Access Control (MAC) addresses: These are the network addresses used in LANs. They are 6-byte network hardware addresses burned into memory chips on NICs, switches, routers, or other network device ...
layer-2packetisaframe,encapsulatesdatagram(第二层的数据叫帧,它封装了第三层的数据报)data-linklayerhasresponsibilityoftransferringdatagramfromonenodetoadjacentnodeoveralink Linklayer:context •Datagramtransferredbydifferentlinkprotocolsoverdifferentlinks(数据报在不同的链路上用不同的链路协议传播)•e.g.,...
TCP/IP model: Network Interface Layer Internet Layer Transport Layer Application Layer (Also described as: Link Layer, Internet Layer, Transport Layer, Application Layer) 1.1 Introduction to the OSI Model OSI stands for Open SystemsInterconnectionCreated by International StandardsOrganizationWas created as...
Bestandsaufnahme zu DDoS-Bedrohungen: Drittes Quartal 2023 Bericht herunterladen Was sind die 7 Schichten des OSI-Modells? Die sieben Abstraktionslayer des OSI-Modells lassen sich wie folgt definieren, von oben nach unten: 7. Der Application Layer ...