" you've heard about the OSI layer model. The terms are a bit technical, and students often struggle to remember them. But dig in, and you'll discover that the layers are both economical and elegant.
一、传输层(Transport Layer) 传输层在网络体系结构的第四层,是整个网络的关键部分,它是实现两个用户进程间端到端的可靠通信,处理数据包的错误,数据包的次序,以及一些其他关键传输问题。它向下是通信服务... 查看原文 计算机网络的体系结构、应用协议、主要作用、数据单元、主要设备 1、计算机网络的体系结构 物理...
(Presentation Layer)、应用层(Application Layer)。 除了标准的OSI七层模型以外,常见的网络层次划分还有TCP/IP四层协议以及TCP/IP五层协议,它们之间的对应关系...网络协议国际标准化组织(ISO)在1978年提出了“开放系统互联参考模型”,即OSI七层协议模型。它将计算机网络体系结构的通信协议划分为七层,自下而上依次为...
这个模型把网络通信地工作分为7层,它们由低到高分别是物理层(Physical Layer),数据链路层(Data Link Layer),网络层(Network Layer), 传输层 T Transport Layer),会话层(Session Layer),表示层(Presentation Layer)和应用层 (Application Layer).第一层到第三层属于 OSI参考模型地低三层,负责创建网络通信连接地 ...
The Presentation layer is responsible for compatibility between these encoding methods. 表示层负责这些编码方法之间的兼容性。 The Presentation layer at the sender’s side changes the information from its sender dependent format. 发送方一侧的Presentation层更改了其发送方相关格式的信息。
3 Network Layer The Network layer adds the concept of routing above the Data Link layer. When data arrives at the Network layer, the source and destination addresses contained inside each frame are examined to determine if the data has reached its final destination. If the data has reached the...
3. Network Layer It acts as a network controller Transferring of variable data from one node to another, connected in a network, takes place at this layer Each node has a specific address and the network layer ensures that the data is sent to its destination address ...
This OSI model is roughly adhered to in the computing and networking industry. Its main feature is in the interface between layers which dictates the specifications on how one layer interacts with another. This means that a layer written by one manufacturer can operate with a layer from another...
familiar with the application layer, as it's the layer they interact with most. However, if you aren’t yet familiar with the application layer and its protocols, this article breaks down all you need to know about it. Learn what the application layer is, what it does, and how it ...
What is the session layer? The session layer is the fifth layer of the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Model. It's also called the network dialogue controller. It relies on the layers above and below it - the presentation layer andtransport layer- to carry out its function. ...