OSI Model LayerProtocol data unit (PDU)Function[3] Host layers7. ApplicationDataHigh-level APIs, including resource sharing, remote file access 6. PresentationTranslation of data between a networking service and an application; including character encoding, data compression and encryption/decryption 5. ...
RPC(远程过程调用)与HTTP的区别: 最主要的区别: OSI网络7层模型 RPC组件 HTTP服务: 总结: RPC(远程过程调用)与HTTP的区别: 最主要的区别: RPC是基于TCP/IP协议的 HTTP服务是基于HTTP协议的 因为http协议是在传输层协议TCP之上的,所有效率上TCP也就是RPC会高一点。 OSI网络7层模型 第一层:应用层。定义了用于...
HTTP,英文全称 Hyper Text Transfer Protocol,中文全称“超文本传输协议”,按照OSI参考模型,它属于第七...
When representing these layers, it’s helpful to start with the application layer, where humans interact with devices. The seven layers agreed upon by OSI are as follows: Layer Seven: The Application Layer This is where humans interact with computers, such as via email clients and browsers. ...
The so-calledOSI (Open Systems Interconnection) modeldefines seven layers. We’ll take a look at the application, transport, and Internet layers for the typical HTTP usage: HTTP, TCP, and IP. The layers below IP are the data link and physical layers. These are the layers that, e.g. im...
functions between two layers of the OSI Presentation layer. The handshake and record layers operate...
Although there are various conceptual models that describe the structure of protocol layers, such as the seven-layer OSI Model, the internet is based on the four-layer TCP/IP model, also known as the Internet Protocol Suite. It’s defined in the RFC 1122 specification as follows: “To ...
结果是使得一个应用支持分层的转换(layers of transformation)...RPC 调用和 HTTP 调用 文章目录 前言 网络七层模型 RPC架构 说道远程调用,得了解下*异步同步* 同步调用与异步调用 HTTP 总结 前言 这边简单的介绍了下RPC的概念相关,对RPC想更深入的认识的可以看我之前写的博客【自定义RPC 有源码】 传送门: 自...
HTTP is an application layer protocol designed to transfer information between networked devices and runs on top of other layers of the network protocol stack. A typical flow over HTTP involves a client machine making a request to a server, which then sends a response message. What is in an ...
Even though this is a general header, some directives can appear only in a request or a response. Some also include an additional parameter, such as a number of seconds, that control their interpretation.Table 276provides a brief summary of the differentCache-Controloptions and how they are ...