OSHA Form 300 Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses: This form logs each reportable injury and illness, noting the date, where the incident occurred and how it happened. It also requires employers to classify the case and note the days away from work or on job restriction. ...
As of 2015, reportable work-related illnesses and injuries for the 300 log include death as well as those that cause an employee to miss work, lose consciousness, require more than first aid treatment, be transferred to a different position or work reduced hours.Cancer and tuberculosisare exampl...
but it ditched it after 20 years because it was deemed inefficient. Under the program, the agency used objective data, such as workers’ compensation information, to identify companies that had higher-than-normal averages of injuries or illnesses when compared ...
Completing and posting the OSHA Form 300A between February 1 to April 30 is an annual ritual for organizations with at least 11 employees. ThisSummary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnessesis used to record work-related sickness and injuries mandated by the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Th...