75-120 minutes). Afterward, I throw ‘em in the wash and let them air dry. My shorts still look brand new and fit great. If there’s a better compression short out there, I haven’t found it.
* <em>cmake --build .</em> ### OSG for GLES2/GLES3 (Desktop) ### OSG for GLES2/GLES3 (Desktop / GoogleAngle) * CMake options: (not in cmake-gui) * OPENGL_PROFILE: GLES2/GLES3 * EGL_INCLUDE_DIR: <PowerVR_SDK>/include * EGL_LIBRARY: <PowerVR_SDK>/lib/libEGL.lib * OP...
int r = (em + (112 << 10)) << 13; // denormal: flush to zero r = (em < (1 << 10)) ? 0 : r; // infinity/NaN; note that we preserve NaN payload as a byproduct of unifying inf/nan cases // 112 is an exponent bias fixup; since we already applied it once, applying...
* em = new osg::EllipsoidModel(); //Lat纬度Long经度 em->convertLatLongHeightToXYZ(osg::DegreesToRadians(lonLatAlt.y()), osg::DegreesToRadians(lonLatAlt.x()), lonLatAlt.z(), world.x(), world.y(), world.z()); return world
The pheno- types are similar to those of wild-type (WT) plants treat- ed with N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA), an inhibitor of PAT. Using a positional cloning strategy, we identified that the OsGNOM1 gene is responsible for the mutations. We also found that the transcript levels of ...
Restructed the setting of the default osgDB::Options so it doesn't override the ObjectCacheHint setting when a user specified osgDB::Options object is passed in. Mon, 1 Jul 2019 12:33:21 +0100 Author : Robert Osfield Merge branch 'OpenSceneGraph-3.6_vas' ofhttps://github.com/eligovision...
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内容提示:oSG.BASEDFASTRENDERINGoFTHELARGESCALESEAFLooRToPoGRAPHYADissertationsubmittedinfulfillmentoftherequirementsofthedegreeofMASTEROFENGINEERINGfromShandongUniversityofScienceandTechnologybyMengJunxiaSupervisor:ProfessorYangFanlinGeomaticsCollegeMay2013 ... 文档格式:PDF | 页数:66 | 浏览次数:38 | 上传日期:2015-...
t hi s thesi s i nt roduced t he t echnol ogi es i n vi rtual real i t y, desi gned t he syst emstructure of t he di st ri but ed dri vi ng si mul ator, and di d a t horough research on t he mot i on si mul at i on and col l i si on det ect i n ...