Barry McGee helped influence Os Gemeos’ street art and their life were never be the same after their encounter. During this encounter, Barry McGee shared graffiti techniques and other experience. Soon after 12oz Prophet Magazine create an interview on them. Soon Os Gemeos’ fame began to rise...
Os Gemeos! 巴西著名街头艺术家组合 Os Gemeos 受纽约街头文化影响,从 1987 年开始便已在圣保罗进行涂鸦创作,并且寻找到了一条不同于欧美涂鸦风格的道路,作品以标志性黄色人物为主,并延续出了反种族歧视、赞颂民间艺术、探索潜意识等各种各样的象征意义。立木画廊(Lehmann Maupin)在香港 Art Basel 期间带来了他们的...
Martha Cooper - Königin der Street Art(2019) (TV Movie)-Self (as Osgemeos) Triunfo(2014) Self Os Gemeos: Inside the Studio(2013) (Short)-Self (as Osgemeos) Cidade Cinza(2013) Themselves (as Os Gemeos) Altas Horas(2013) (TV Series)-Themselves(1 episode, 2013) ...
In Bristol in the UK, there is a street art festival in August every year. Lots of people come to watch the artists paint on all the buildings in a street.Some street artists have become famous.Os Gemeos, twin brothers from Brazil, have painted big, colourful pictures of people on ...
Os Gemeos, Portugese for “the twins,” are Brazil’s most world renowned graffiti artists/muralists. These mavericks have reshaped the interpretation of street art; their style is vibrant, magical, fantastic, simultaneously folksy and pop, projecting a child-like surreal world that would make Dal...
Os Gemeos 是一位艺术家。THE FRANKS-SUSS COLLECTION - PHILLIPS DE PURY & COMPANY AT THE SAATCHI GALLERY, LONDON (群展)简述展览日期 ...已闭幕2010年1月28日 - 2010年3月28日 展览馆 萨奇画廊 (英国 London (England)) 艺术家 Steve Bishop、陈可b.1978、Matthew Day Jackson、Kevin Francis Gray、...
巴西双胞胎涂鸦艺术家Os Gemeos 带着他们正在进行的“巨人”项目来到加拿大,为了迎接温哥华双年展和继续宣扬「every city needs art and art has to be in the middle of the people」概念,,在当地的非盈利公共艺术组织 Vancouver Biennale 的协助下,他们用大胆的壁画将六个巨型工业筒仓粉饰一番。该巴西兄弟二人组...
来自巴西的街头艺术家Os Gemeos 兄弟即将拉开在Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego(美国圣地亚哥当代艺术博物馆) 举行的“Viva La Revolucion”作品展,展览尚未开馆,Os Gemeos 兄弟已在展馆外大墙上完成了名为Don’t Believe The Hype 的涂鸦作品。 source : Slamxhype...
The most famous twins in the art world, Brazil’s Os Gêmeos did not disappoint with their submission as part of MOCA’s “Art in the Streets” exhibition which opened its doors to the public this past Sunday. The work of the two has always incorporated a captivating palette of colors tog...
Banksy 與 Os Gemeos 聯手為最新一期《Village Voice》設計封面: 最近在紐約進行「Better Out Than In」企劃的英國街頭塗鴉藝術家 Banksy 與巴西著名的街頭藝術二人組 Os Gemeos 受到紐約週刊《Village