3rd Conference of Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health in EuropeTeixeira C, Correia S, Barros H: Geographic origin and risk of cesarean section in Portugal [abstract]. In Abstract Book of the 3rd Conference on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health in Europe . Hungary: Pécs; 2010:78. 27-29 May...
andIreneHoesliandOlavLapaireandThierrySDOSAmerican Journal of Obstetrics & GynecologyCell saver system eliminates cell free DNA from maternal and fetal origin during cesarean section[J] . Corinne Rusterholz,Celine Osswald,Irene Hoesli,Olav Lapaire,Thierry Girard,Marcus Schneider.American Journal of ...
Snyder, F. F. : Origin of pulmonary hyaline membrane disease in premature infants delivered by cesarean section before labor. Obstet. and Gynec. 14 , 730–742 (1959).Snyder, F. F. (1959) Origin of pulmonary hyaline membrane disease in premature infants delivered by cesarean section bef...
The aim of this study was to determine whether the cff-DNA and total cf-DNA were eliminated from the salvaged blood using a conventional cell-saver and a leucodepletion filter during cesarean section (CS). Study Design Blood sampdoi:10.1016/j.ajog.2010.10.934Celine Osswald...