Teixeira C, Correia S, Barros H: Geographic origin and risk of cesarean section in Portugal [abstract]. In Abstract Book of the 3rd Conference on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health in Europe . Hungary: Pécs; 2010:78. 27-29 May 2010...
while female cells contain one active and one compacted and inactive X known as a Barr body [37,38]. This inactivation of one X theoretically ensures that XX transcription matches the dosage in XY males, leading to the model: 1 active X → female...
while female cells contain one active and one compacted and inactive X known as a Barr body [37,38]. This inactivation of one X theoretically ensures that XX transcription matches the dosage in XY males, leading to the model: 1 active X → female...
Embryos that were followed to adulthood underwent Cesarean section if the mother was unable to give birth naturally. The pups were then fostered with other females. A minimum of three litters was investigated for all VE-cadherin Cre (constitutive and inducible) time points, n = 12–13 adults....
A 29-year-old gravida 2 had an intraabdominal hemorrhage from hepatic metastases of choriocarcinoma during Gestational Week 29. Cesarean section was performed. The primary tumor found in the wall of the uterus had no connection with the ... AJVD Werf,GH Broeders,GP Vooys,... - 《Obstetrics...
This social historiography tells the story of the origin of the Newborns' and Mothers' Health Protection Act of 1996. In the 1980s when the federal government reduced allocations to states' Medicaid programs as a cost saving measure, hospitals, initiated early discharge of patients to save costs...
Cesarean SectionPlacenta PreviaIntroductionCancer mythsHistory of cancerOrigin of cancer Stem cellsStem cells and cancerCancer stem cellsCancer nicheOntogeny and oncologyDiagnosis and prognosisCancer targetsHeterogeneity of cancerMetastasisCancer immunityDrug resistanceParadigm shiftsExperimental proofClinical ...
The aim of this study was to determine whether the cff-DNA and total cf-DNA were eliminated from the salvaged blood using a conventional cell-saver and a leucodepletion filter during cesarean section (CS). Study Design Blood sampdoi:10.1016/j.ajog.2010.10.934Celine Osswald...
In the early medieval period, cesarean section was usually performed by midwifes. One of the first explicit instructions in medical literature on cesarean technique dates from about 1480 CE from southern Germany. We discuss the evolution of cesarean surgical technique and point up the contribution ...
CelineOsswaldandIreneHoesliandOlavLapaireandThierrySDOSAmerican Journal of Obstetrics & GynecologyCell saver system eliminates cell free DNA from maternal and fetal origin during cesarean section[J] . Corinne Rusterholz,Celine Osswald,Irene Hoesli,Olav Lapaire,Thierry Girard,Marcus Schneider.American ...