Also found in: Medical, Acronyms, Wikipedia. origin of replication[¦är·ə·jən əv ‚rep·lə′kā·shən] (cell and molecular biology) The nucleotide sequence from which deoxyribonucleic acid replication begins.McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, ...
rules of origin consider a product to come from the country where the last substantial change occurred. For example, suppose raw material comes from Britain, is sent to Russia for refining and then is finished in Japan. If the final product is sent to the United States, rules of origin gen...
Origin of life Origin of life Origin of life Origin of life (science) Origin of life (science) Origin of lunar nomenclature Origin of lunar nomenclature Origin of Man, Language and Languages origin of plasmid DNA replication-binding protein Origin of replication Origin of replication Origin of rep...
It carries its own origin of replication, the oriV, and an origin of transfer, or oriT. 它含有自己的复制原点,叫做OriV,和一个转移原点,叫做oriT。 LASER-wikipedia2 More recent attempts to replicate the original studies have concluded that genetically modified corn is absent from southern Mexico...
Once self-replication of life was established, then evolution to more complicated forms of life could have taken place by Darwinian selection (see Benn, 2001). The ocean could have played further roles in human development, for example via the aquatic ape hypothesis, although that particular ...
Origin of sandwich Origin of Species Origin of Species, The Origin of Symmetry Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State, The Origin of the Forms of Action Origin of the Law Origin of the solar system origin of the trajectory Origin of transfer Origin of Vegetative Replication OR...
Origin of Aztec term to refer to the Mexica Origin of Chromosome Replication Origin of coordinate axes Origin of coordinates Origin of coordinates Origin of humans Origin of Indoeuropeans Origin of information in evolution Origin of information in evolution Origin of information in evolution Origin of...
(跳至德语 » 英语) origin and destination survey,origin-destination study,O-D study问卷调查 专业词汇 originanddestinationsurvey Quell-undZielbefragung 单语范例(未经PONS编辑处理) 英语 The zonal interchange analysis of trip distribution provides origin-destination trip tables. ...
Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Medical,Legal,Acronyms,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. originate To make; all the steps necessary to attract a potential borrower,process a loan request, prepare all necessary paperwork,and place the loan on the books of the lender. ...
Origin of Aztec term to refer to the Mexica Origin of Chromosome Replication Origin of coordinate axes Origin of coordinates Origin of Indoeuropeans Origin of information in evolution Origin of information in evolution Origin of information in evolution Origin of language Origin of life Origin of life...