In this article I show how conceptions of pragmatism set forth in American philosophy serve as orienting perspectives for critical thinking and decision making in social work practice, providing frames of reference in efforts to engage divergent theories and methods in light of the concrete particulars...
(1994). Building communication theories: A socio-cultural approach (pp. 133-163). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.Beach, W. A. (1990). Orienting to the phenomenon. In J. A. Anderson (Ed.), Communication yearbook 13 (pp. 216-244). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publication....
Although there are numerous theories and definitions of attention, the process of sustained attention can be categorized into three sequential operations. These involve attention-getting, attention-holding, and attention-releasing (Cohen, 1969, 1972) (Table 8.1). Table 8.1. Sustained Attention Phase ...
270 Part 3: IT-Enabled Change in Public Sector Services Frank Blackler has worked as Professor of Organisational Behaviour in the Department of Organisation, Work and Technology at Lancaster University for the past 20 years. He has a special interest in the management of change and in theories ...
While many therapy approaches have always combined different practice theories and methods, it was not until the 1980s that integration emerged as a distinct area of interest in mental health. In family therapy, a number of useful integrative frameworks have been developed. This dissertation targets...
In addition, Gilligan's critical relationship to lhc theories of Lawrence Kohlberg is analogous to our own critical relationship to Piaget's work, We emphasize Keller because her work underscores, as does ours, the importance of relationships with objects in the development of noncanortical styles...
This line of thought ties in with ideas forwarded by Cooley (Citation1922) and Mead (Citation1924), who suggested, respectively, that the self comes into being through incorporating the other through processes of social imitation and role-taking. Similarly, Vygotskian theories of social learning em...