本文提出了一个两阶段的有向目标检测方法Oriented R-CNN。Oriented R-CNN由Oriented RPN (Oriented Region Proposal Network)和Oriented R-CNN Head构成。 首先通过Oriented RPN (Oriented Region Proposal Network)生成高质量有向候选框,然后通过Rotated RoIAlign提取固定大小尺寸的特征,最后将这些特征作为有向头检测的...
第二阶段是定向R-CNN头,用于细化定向兴趣区域(定向ROI)并识别它们。在没有技巧的情况下,带有ResNet50的定向R-CNN在两个常用的定向对象检测数据集上实现了最先进的检测精度,包括DOTA(75.87%mAP)和HRSC2016(96.50%mAP),同时具有15.1 FPS的速度,图像大小为1024×1024。 二、研究意义 目前最先进的两阶段目标检测通过...
Results: Oriented R-CNN在DOTA和HRSC2016 两个数据集上进行验证。 表1:Oriented R-CNN在DOTA数据集的结果。‡表示使用多尺度训练多尺度测试。 表2:Oriented R-CNN在HRSC2016数据集的结果。 表3:Oriented R-CNN与其他有向目标检测方法在速度方面的对比(DOTA数据集)。 由上述实验结果可以看出Oriented R-CNN是一...
Comparison of faster R-CNN models for object detection Object detection is one of the important problems for autonomous robots. Faster R-CNN, one of the state-ofthe-art object detection methods, approaches real time application; nevertheless, computational time lies borderline of real time a... ...
Rotated Faster R-CNN for Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images On the basis of Faster R-CNN, we add a regression branch to predict the oriented bounding boxes for ground targets. Instead of removing the branch of predicting the horizontal bounding boxes, we train both two branches as a...
PROCEEDINGS OF SPIESPIEDigitalLibrary.org/conference-proceedings-of-spieCRRCNN: cascade rotational RCNNfor dense arbitrary-oriented objectdetectionLei, Jinduo, Li, Yali, Wang, ShengjinJinduo Lei, Yali Li, Shengjin Wang, "CRRCNN: cascade rotational RCNN fordense arbitrary-oriented object detection,...
Single-Shot Refinement Neural Network for Object Detection https://github.com/sfzhang15/RefineDet 针对目标检测,本文可以看作将 Faster RCNN 和 SSD 融合起来。 1 Introduction 当前基于 CNN 网络的目标检测可以分为两大类:1) the two-stage approac... ...
RepPoints 是一种新的目标表示方法,是基于可变形卷积的一种延伸,在目标检测场景中,一般有anchor base和anchor free两种思路,在anchor base 算法中,如faster RCNN、Yolov3、v4、v5等模型效果往往受限于anchor的参数配置,如anchor的大小、正负样本采样等。在anchor free 算法中,也分为两种思路,anchor-point的算法和key...
Common object detection algorithms suffer from the poor performance of detecting oriented targets. In this paper, we propose a Rotated Faster R-CNN to detect arbitrary oriented ground targets. On the basis of Faster R-CNN, we add a regression branch to predict the oriented bounding boxes for ...
RepPoints 是一种新的目标表示方法,是基于可变形卷积的一种延伸,在目标检测场景中,一般有anchor base和anchor free两种思路,在anchor base 算法中,如faster RCNN、Yolov3、v4、v5等模型效果往往受限于anchor的参数配置,如anchor的大小、正负样本采样等。在anchor free 算法中,也分为两种思路,anchor-point的算法和key...