This form of Oricorio has sipped purple nectar. It uses ethereal dance steps to call forth the spirits of the dead. Status HP Attack Defense Special Attack Special Defense Speed Style 0741 Oricorio Baile Style Fire Flying 0741 Oricorio Pom-Pom Style Electric Flying 0741 Oricorio Pa'u Style...
Oricorio 14 Oricorio 33 Oricorio 46 Oricorio 55 Oricorio 56 Oricorio 67 Oricorio SM19 Oricorio SWSH168 Oricorio SWSH210 Oricorio 14 Oricorio 33 Oricorio 46 Oricorio 55 Oricorio 56 Oricorio 67 Oricorio SM19 Oricorio SWSH168 Oricorio SWSH210 Oricorio 14 Or...
Oricorio N° 0740Crabominable N° 0742Cutiefly OricorioN° 0741 In dettaglio PS Attacco Difesa Attacco Speciale Difesa Speciale Velocità > È estremamente popolare tra gli abitanti di Paldea, forse perché il suo appassionato stile di danza si accorda bene con il loro temperamento....
The Oricorio Pokémon Dolls Plush in the Baile Style holds up one wing in its distinctive and totally captivating pose! Known for fiery moves and passionate dance, this Oricorio really stands out. Embroidered eyes and cute pink feet complete the look of this Fire- and Flying-type Pokémon!
$12.99 A Pokémon of memories and ancestors! The Oricorio Pokémon Dolls Plush in the peaceful Sensu Style is known for its dance that calls upon spirits! Its calm eyes and fanlike wings and crest are multicolored. Embroidered eyes, a squared-off tail, and a super-cute pink beak complete...
商标名称 ORICORIO 国际分类 第25类-服装鞋帽 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 32875992 申请日期 2018-08-14 申请人名称(中文) 青岛美乐斯国际物流有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 山东省青岛市市北区辽阳西路85号芙蓉花园4号楼2单元101 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日期 ...
花舞鸟 基本宝可梦 HP90 特性 热血练习 只要这只宝可梦在场上,自己的所有「汇流」宝可梦,受到对手的宝可梦招式的伤害「-20」点。无论有多少只拥有这个特性的宝可梦,这个效果也不会重复。 热情水滴 将5个伤害指示物以任意方式放置于对手的宝可梦身上。
This Pokémon is incredibly popular, possibly because its passionate dancing is a great match with the temperament of Paldean people. Status HP Attack Defense Special Attack Special Defense Speed Style 0741 Oricorio Baile Style Fire Flying 0741 Oricorio Pom-Pom Style Electric Flying 0741 Oricorio...
花舞鸟 基本宝可梦 HP90 特性 热血练习 己方场上所有「汇流」宝可梦受到对方宝可梦的技能伤害减少20点。(先计算弱点和抗性)该特性同名效果不能叠加。 热情水滴 在对方场上的宝可梦身上以任意方式放置合计5个伤害指示物。 弱点 ×2 抗性 撤退
Oricorio Mostra el codi ← Crabominable | Oricorio | Cutiefly →Oricorio オドリドリ Odoridori INFORMACIÓ BÀSICA Generació Setena Tipus Gènere 25% ♂ / 75% ♀ INFORMACIÓ FÍSICA Alçada 0,6 m Pes 3,4 kg Color Groc ...