A Pokémon of memories and ancestors! The Oricorio Pokémon Dolls Plush in the peaceful Sensu Style is known for its dance that calls upon spirits! Its calm eyes and fanlike wings and crest are multicolored. Embroidered eyes, a squared-off tail, and a super-cute pink beak complete the loo...
Sensu Strategies en Formats: NU ZU Quiver Dance Move1 Quiver Dance Raises the user's Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed by 1. TypeBug Move2 Air Slash 30% chance to make the target flinch. TypeFlying CategorySpecial Power75 BP Accuracy95%
0741 Oricorio 0741 Oricorio Sensu Style Cutiefly 0742 Type Ghost Flying Weakness Electric Ice Rock Ghost Dark Height 0.6 m Category Dancing Pokémon Weight 3.4 kg Gender / Ability Dancer Versions This form of Oricorio has sipped purple nectar. It uses ethereal dance steps to call...
花舞鳥-Sensu(Oricorio-Sensu)的圖鑑編號為#741,主要基礎屬性為ghost(幽靈),最佳攻擊技能招式的配招為空氣斬(Air Slash)加暴風(Hurricane),最佳防守技能招式的配招為加
Sensu Strategies en Formats: ZU PU Calm Mind Move1 Calm Mind Raises the user's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def by 1. TypePsychic Move2 Revelation Dance Type varies based on the user's primary type. TypeNormal CategorySpecial Power90 BP Accuracy100% ...
Pa'u Style Oricorio - African, Asian, Pacific and Caribbean islands Sensu Style Oricorio - Asia-Pacific region In addition to Oricorio, the following Pokemon will be appearing more frequently in the wild and in raids throughout the Festival of Colors events: ...
100% Oricorio Pau's Transformation Line #4742 Oricorio Pau Oricorio Pau's Other Forms #741 Oricorio #4741 Oricorio Pom Pom #4743 Oricorio Sensu #6742 Shiny Oricorio Pau HM (Hidden Machine) Moves Oricorio Pau Can Learn ID: 212 Fly HM02 Category: Physical Base Power: 90 PP: 15 Accura...
Oricorio (Japanese: オドリドリ, Hepburn: Odoridori) (or-ih-KOR-ee-oh[1]) is a dual Flying-type Pokémon introduced in Generation VII, which comes in four different forms: Baile, Pom Pom, Pa'u and Sensu style. All forms of Oricorio are bipedal birds with
100% Oricorio Pom Pom's Transformation Line #4741 Oricorio Pom Pom Level 57 Use item Mega Gem #8739 Mega Oricorio Pom Pom Oricorio Pom Pom's Other Forms #741 Oricorio #4742 Oricorio Pau #4743 Oricorio Sensu #6741 Shiny Oricorio Pom Pom HM (Hidden Machine) Moves Oricorio Pom Pom Ca...
Style 0741 Oricorio Baile Style Fire Flying 0741 Oricorio Pom-Pom Style Electric Flying 0741 Oricorio Pa'u Style Psychic Flying 0741 Oricorio Sensu Style Ghost Flying Evolution This Pokémon does not evolve.Back To Pokédex Official Account What is Pokémon? Terms of use Privacy Policy ...