Khan RI, Choudhuri MA (1992) Influence of reproductive organs on plant senescence in rice and wheat. Biol Plant 34(3-4):241-251. doi:10.1007/BF02925876Khan RI, Choudhuri MA. Influence of reproductive organs on plant senescence in rice and wheat. (1992). Biol. Plant. 34: 241-251....
The meaning of ORGAN is a differentiated structure (such as a heart, kidney, leaf, or stem) consisting of cells and tissues and performing some specific function in an organism. How to use organ in a sentence.
(in biology), a part of the body of an animal or plant that performs one or several characteristic functions. Examples of animal organs are the brain, heart, eye, liver, and stomach, while the root, stem, leaf, and flower are examples of plant organs. ...
1transcripts werehighlyexpressedintheshootandrootapicalmeristems,butnotinmatureplantorgans. 1在地上部和根顶端分生组织中表达量很高,而在成熟的器官中不表达。 4. Morethan1000patientsonstandbytransplantlistdiedwhichpromotesscientiststoconsiderusingotherwaytoplantorgans. ...
aThe approaches to modelling growth of different organs varied from attempting to model individual sink strength of all organs on the plant along with mass flow through phloem, to simple fractional partitioning on a daily basis 对塑造不同的器官成长的方法从试图与大量一起塑造所有器官单独水槽力量在植物...
The energy required for all the processes and activities that take place in our bodies is derived from the foods we ingest. The digestive system allows us to take food from such diverse sources as meat from an animal and the roots of a plant and utilize them as an energy source. Whether...
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
Observation on anatomy ofvegetative organ;in 8 species of short-lived plant;; 8种短命植物营养器官的解剖学观察 更多例句>> 4) Nutritive organs 营养器官 1. Anatomical study on the nutritive organs of Dendrobium candidum; 铁皮石斛营养器官的解剖学研究 ...
aThe embryo is thus clearly differentiatedinto identifiable organs and on closer inspection it also becomes apparent that many of the different types of cell found in the mature plant are already present in the embryo, albeit in a dehydrated, unexpanded state. 胚胎清楚地因而是differentiatedinto可识别...
—. 1957. OnProtopitys (Göppert): With a description of a fertile specimen “Protop-itys scotica” sp. nov. from the Calciferous Sandstone Series of Dunbartonshire. Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh63: 333–340. Google Scholar Whittlesey, C. 1849. Description of a coal plant supposed to be ...