The discontent with the undemocratic agricultural food system inspired the emergence of many alternative agri-food systems, including organic agriculture. This study analysed how organic agriculture promotes agri-food system democracy concerning traditio
Once the hard-liners failed to convince the Procuradores to reject the Reform Law, they had no way of using the regime structure and institutions to stop the transition. Once the Law was approved through referendum, they lost the argument of speaking in the name of the people against the re...
sustainability and excellence, with a focus on developing human, social and economic capabilities” (ADEK2021). Dubai has a further local governing body overlooking licensing and quality of institutions called Knowledge and
Governance in Consumer Countries for Sustainable Supply Chains Governance has been conceptualized as "the regulation and coordination of activities by public and private institutions through a variety of formal and informal instruments" (Boström et al. 2015, p. 2). Sustainability regulations, such ...
The Role of Higher Education InstitutionsCompetitive Advantage – The Human Capital ApproachComputational Intelligence in Supply Chain ManagementComputational Organization TheoryConflict Management and High-Performance Work SystemsConsumer Neuroscience and Consumer BehaviourContemporary Challenges of Public and Business...
The “Euro-leaf” organic certification logo was adopted and made compulsory by the European Union (EU) a few years ago; the level of consumers’ recognition of this logo has been explored. This paper provides important insights into the effectiveness of