The Journal of Organic Chemistry (JOC) welcomes original contributions of fundamental research in all branches of the theory and practice of organic chemistry.The Journal of Organic Chemistry now publishes JOC Featured Articles-full papers selected by Editor-in-Chief C. Dale Poulter and the JOC Asso...
Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. ISSN: 1570-193X.
Based on the citation analysis of 85,652 articles Journal of Organic Chemistry has published so far, 2% of its articles have received no citation at all. 1,548 articles (about 1% of the total articles) have received only one citation. 9.61% of the articl
chinese journal of organic chemistry影响因子 影响因子(Impact Factor)是衡量学术期刊影响力的指标,可以客观反映该期刊的被引频次。中国有许多著名的有机化学期刊,其中《Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry》是我国一流的有机化学国际期刊之一,以下是有关该期刊的影响因子以及相关参考内容: 《Chinese Journal of ...
影响因子(Impact Factor,简称IF)是评估学术期刊质量和影响力的指标之一。中国有许多优秀的有机化学期刊,其中《Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry》是一本在国内外有影响力的期刊。下面将对该期刊的影响因子以及相关参考内容进行介绍。 《Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry》是中国化学会主管主办的学术期刊,于1981...
Organic Chemistry: An Indian Journal has got h-index 12, which means every article in Organic Chemistry: An Indian Journal has got 12 average citations. Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Organic Chemistry: An Indian Journal. 20212020201920182017 Year ...
Organic and Inorganic Chemistry is an international, peer-reviewed; Open Access journal with an impact factor of1.42*that publishes research articles on all aspects of organic and inorganic chemistry. The scholarly journal provides a free and unrestricted access to the published findings in the concern...
Top Research Topics at Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry? Photochemistry, Computational chemistry, Medicinal chemistry, Organic chemistry and Stereochemistry are among the topics commonly tackled in Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry. The research on Photochemistry featured in the journal combines topic...
Organic and Medicinal chemistry international Journal is an open access journal that is committed to publish the papers on various topics of chemistry, especially synthetic organic chemistry, and pharmacology and various other biological specialties
Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry is a peer-reviewed journal encompassing all aspects of modern organic chemistry. Covers organic synthesis, theoretical ...